Sunday, January 29, 2006
The 1st Day of the Lunar New Year!! (29th January 2006)
Hie Everyone who is looking at this blog! it is indeed the first day of the Chinese New Year and what a day it has been for lil' old me! *brutall*I had started duty yesterday at 430pm at Chinatown.. I left the division with the honest idea that my day would be basically to look out for those evil-doers among the crowd since i was in plainclothes.. hahhahha and i think that sumone had heard my prayers to be given meaningful duties... i was in the barricade team comprising of 5 officers.. =)my first ever chinese new year duty was indeed a shock to me. never did i ever think that the crowd would be so huge!! hahhahha it was realli realli packed on CNY eve! the China men, China women, Singaporean men, Singaporean women, and others of other genders and other races!! hehhehhe Basically, barricades are an impt equipment in an event. people tend to get over-excited when the mediacorp artistes come along!Here are just some of the artistes who were within 30 metres from where i was standing!! 1. Fann wong2. christopher lee3. moses lim4. zoe tay5. jamie teo6. michelle chia7. michelle chong8. edmund chen9. chen li ping10. vincent wuwell, thats all that i noe of! hahhahha indeed, a star-studded event with shaolin gungfu as well u noe!! hahhahha first time i saw wif my own eyes, this little boy, doing somersaults using his head! as in he lands on his legs then head then legs then head then legs then head!! superb i must say!Marking the Lunar New Year was a fantastic countdown that eventually was celebrated with a superb fireworks display followed by thousands of firecrackers deafening everyone present!! it was indeed a sight to behold! i will be posting a few pics which i took using faruq's hp when i receive them okay? =)Well, i had finished duty upon the crack of dawn around 4am.. i got to sleep in the office and resulted in myself suffering from a stiff neck! but it was indeed a superb first time for me in this duty of mine! i reallie intend on learning sumting new everyday so that life will be meaningful!! -)well, as a promise from me to all you blog readers/hoppers, here is my special quote for the day: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.. an apple a day means 7 apples a week.. that would mean 70cents per apple times 7 days! in a month it would be $21.60! if it were to be continuous, wont it be more beneficial and financially sound to go doctor once in a while insteead?Point to ponder guys and gals!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 10:02 pm
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Chinese New Year aka Awal Muharram
Helloo everyone!! Yes it is me again! Back to my old blogging ways all over again! Hmm my lat posting was in 2004 cos i forgot my password to this bloggie of mine! hahhahha actualy i thought of opening a new blogg with Faruq, my office buddy. However, seems like i will be sticking to this one instead! please remember this blog okay?
Hmm.. a lot has changed since the last two years! i have been in and out of TRACOM! im already having an office desk at Police Cantonment Complex, and i have been promoted to the rank with three stripes! weee hoooo! Things are indeed looking up for this lil' old officer! =)
Well, well... ive got to do a duty later on in the night! i havent been doing much duties since ive been posted out to Alpha.. This is mainly due to my gifted sense of sight as most of u guys noe.. hehhehhe thus, every duty that i go thru will be injected with all the enthusiasm and zest. Heheheh u can trust me on that! umm hmm!
Singapore idol is about to kick off with auditions in about 2 weeks time and already, american idol has started its campaign! i can only shake my head in vain especially looking at those who reallie believe that they have the talent and can even compare themselves to Ginuwine, Luther Vandross and even Alicia Keyes! Hahahaha *membuat ku kekek ajer lah* these people end up being laughed at by half the viewers around the world! aiyoh.. im sure singaporeans have more face to save.. since singapore is so small and we are bound to meet each other in the MRT or sumting!
Currently, life is great and i wouldnt wanna change a single thing! oh yar! me and mai bunny are still happily together! 2 and a half years just passed like a breeze or two! hahahahhahaa may u stay chubby and chirpy and kiut till forever! hahhahha gonna meet u at mcdonalds far east kejap lagik kan? cant wait to see u later bie!
well, im gonna leave u guys wif a nice quote after every blog entry.. here goes...
Life is like a box of Chocolates.. u never noe watcha gonna get.. and if u keep it in the sun for too long, ur gonna open it and realize that u have just wasted about $8.40 worth of good chocolates... hahhahha
Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone! look forward to my net entry ya! till we meet again! Hava a splendid CNY holiday!!!!
Tong tong tong Chiang!! Xi Nian Kuai Ler!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:56 pm
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