Monday, February 27, 2006
i PASSED !!!! =)
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:42 am
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Countdown to Practical Driving Test!!
1) Driving Practical Test
Hey hey bloggie of mine! the date is now 22nd of February 2006; 3 days to my practical test just for your info! whoa.. time really flies fast! i can still rmbr the day i signed up for the first theory lesson! =) hahhahha actually, if i cant remamber that day, it would mean that im lacking ginko miloba extract.. hahahahahaa
aniwaes, i have been asking everyone on their personal experiences during their TP tests! my mum says the tester will just walk out upon finishing the test. then we will haf to park quickly and chase after him at level 2!! SO RUDE eh??
faruq, my office buddy pulak ckp that a gd trick would be to don my police half uniform and just accede to any of the instructor's requests with a dutiful "Yes Sir!" hahhahhahha i have had enough practice with my band of bosses at work! =)
i really realy hope to get it right this time. hope my nerves wun get the better of me! weee heeee! i wil be updating my blog ASAP after the test.. hopefully it'll be full of smiles and laughter! =) <-like this!!
All the best Hanan!! Boleh nyer! pelan pelan kayoh! man man lai!
2) Asian Cup Qualifiers
Singapore and Iraq in the first match of the Asian Cup Qualifiers 2006! Truly a match to savour! we all went into the game thinking that S'pore would be lucky to get out of the match with a mere draw.. hahhahha honest to goodness guys!!
However, the lions proved us wrong by winning the match 2-0!!! yes u got that rite! S'pore won the EAST ASIAN CHAMPS by a 2-goal margin!! not a fluke goal, not a lucky win!! truly a spectacular opening game which i am sure, will gain more fans for the next home match against Palestine i think? =)
Just a gentle appeal to all those out there! support this national team of ours!! they are really good! we need more fans to throng to the stadium before it is demolished! Let's savour what ever years we have left of the stadium and give the walls of the old stadium the cheers and waves that it has missed for o' so long!!
3) Greetings to Mai Bunny!!Hi there Bie Boochums bunny wummchummies!! i hope ur doing better now? u were really under the weather tadi bile i send u to work tau.. i agak u tgh tido skrg, snuggled under your covers kan? hehehehe u deserve ur rest sweetheart! u haveworked hard enuf all these weeks! yes u haf bie!! =) so proud of you! hehehehe
Just in case u forget.. I WUV U Mai!!!! =)
And as always.. here is my quote for the day!!
" Behind Every Lion, There is a Tiger"
i dun mean to be politically insensitive here but dun that sound like it has a bit too deep a meaning? =) just racking my brain juices here and i cant help but notice that tigers are known to be a symbol of Malaysia. And Lions are ours! Then as we all know that the above is a slogan for "Tiger Beer", a local brand, then would this be a coincidence?? =)
Saying that we are better than others? hehehe point to ponder.. *places finger to chin*
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:28 pm
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Post post Valentine's Day!!! =)
Well well..... It is indeed a beautiful day yet again in Hanan land!!! Yeas it is! and its all thanks to the end of the Meeting just now! i always fear such stuff cos i haf to be extra this and extra that.. (careful and proper that is) hahhahhahha so unlike me lorh..
Aniwaes, i would like to broadcast to the whole internet community on how much i love this gal called Siti Maisarah Rosli!!!
yessirreeee! she is truly one-of-a-kind! i aint idding u guys! which gf would stay up till 6am though she works till 10pm? just to bake and decorate blueberry muffins and ginger snaps for an unappreciative boyfren?
well, she is indeed a one in a million.. Cant imagine what id do without her.. probably just spending my days sitting down and looking at the computer.. occasionaly riding my bike around bukit panjang and just searching for this pwincess.. =)
well, just in case all u internet dwellers are wodering who this gem is.. here is a sneak peak aiiight?? for ur eyes only!! and this was all possible cos u tuned in to which hot blog?? =)

See? i told u she's pretty!! hahhahha and the backdrop is just oh too perfect! insya allah dapat menang "best couple look" eh sweetheart cuppy cakes? hahhahaha
Well, u must be waiting for my entry to end rite now kan bie? hahahhaa i'll just share a simple quote with all u fellow bloggers out there!
Quote for the day: "looks doesnt matter" that is the phrase we all see to be the right way to look at things.. then why are we taught to be presentable before an interview? to be neat before an impt dinner?
Some thing to think about eh? hehhehhehhe =)
Food for thought! Jempooottt!!
Wuv u Bunny wunchkins sweetie cakes!
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:36 am