Sunday, April 30, 2006
A Satisfying Saturday!!
Hello everyone in the internet blogging community! * at least those who are reading my blog * =)
Just wanna share with all u guys and ladies about my satisfying saturday! well, started off with a soccer match at Police Academy. We challenge the guys from Civil Defence! They sure put up a fight and almost scared us there with their opening goal in the first half!
Well, we were indeed undauntered and pulled one back just before the halftime whistle! *phew* Khamsya's floater found the goalie's hapless fist and it ended up rebounding the post and into an open goal! Weeee heeeee! One a piece as we entered the second half!
Well, the weather was a calm blue sky with a glinter of breeze time and again. Nevertheless, team Malay Gangsta kept up our vigil for that lead and came just after the start of the second half! yeahooo! Encik Fathly, our right midfielder, was brought down in the penalty bo and we received an outright penalty! Baik ar Fathly! and who else who was confident to take us into the lead than Zainal!! Weee hoooo! 2-1!
Net to come was a barrage of goals if u may! hahahhaa imran was his ever-so-sharp self! he latched on to a through pass by zainal and ran all the way to the goalmouth and unleashed a shot which was worth a reply! hahaha 3-1 to malay gangsta! This led the opening of floodgates where Fathly raced all the way to the goalmouth, wrestled around with 3 defenders and toe-poked the ball home! yeahoooo! 4-1 to us!
The gates were not closed as yet as i pleaded to imran to pass me the ball. that striker of ours can get abit greedy sumtimes. Hahahahhaa mentang2 Tradoc.. Well, pass to me he did and i calmly slotted the ball home into and open net! 5-1 to malay gangstas!! yeahooo!!! Wel this feat of mine wasn't as easy looked.. my ankle got squashed by a fat defender from behind!! hahahahhaha ouch.. sampai takleh duduk antara dua sujud tau!
Well, they tried to claw back into the game and got back 2 goals to end the match 5-3!! nevertheless, Malay Gangstas triumphed this time! yipppeeee dooooossss! Thats just the first of many vistories which await us! just wondering when we can make jerseys! haahaahha that would be cool!
I'll be updating matches every now and then ya? keep a look our all Netizens! Net match should be on the 13th of May at same time, same place! hahaha welcome to watch us trounce yet another team! See ya when i see ya! ciaoz!!!!
-im now regarded as a recorder cos i got less curves than a guitar. Nevertheless, i shall see it as a compliment!- hahhahaa
Have a great Labour day everyone! Even if you're not working, just tompang on others' efforts and enjoy the day aniwae! hahahha vesak day is also peeking around the corner! May is indeed a great month! yeahhoooooo!
Posted by hanan bunny at 3:19 pm
Friday, April 28, 2006
Stuff Nowadays..
Schedule of Events..
Date: 27 April 2006
Time: 0830hrs
Location: PCC, Level 6, MPH
" Dressed smartly in my full U, i make my way to the MPH where the men are assembling for briefing. Gonna be a cool day i think.. Helped out with admin stuff with Ezat and Fauzi.. hahahah Funny reservists never fail to crack me up! Oh and by the way, Fauzi is a huge fan of Brokeback mountain! He reviewed me the movie the day after he watched it seh! hahahaa a full synopses mind you!! Scareeey... "
Time: 1000hrs
Location: PCC, Level 4, Briefing room
" Went for my weapon handling test! hahaha 5 mins of safety rules and regulations, mind u!! Conducted by professional Fitness Instructors Ale and Iswady, the test was carries out swiftly and did not take much time! hahahhaa only 5 mins to be exact! Well, seemed like a moment of bliss for me, cos i rarely get to carry a gun! yeah.. kinda sad.. but wad to do, u win some, u lose others.. =) "
Time: 1130hrs
Location: Public
" I drove a police vehicle for the first time!! Yeahoo! i passed my conversion test with 6 points tau! i didnt noe the tester was counting seh!! haiyoh.. scared me onli. hahhaha aniwaes, trusty Madam was beside me with Jimmy aand Rafideen behind! haaahhaha felt like BBDC lessons all over again as they guided me thru changing and dropping gear, braking, turning, reversing, parking, switching lanes, and basically all abt driving there is to know! hahahaha reallie appreciate it you guys!! "
Time: 1600hrs
Location: PCC, Level 5, Office
" Well, after a tiring long day's work, the whole office had to take a deserved nappy time.. one of my frens even rolled out his sleeping bag and slept smack in the middle of the office! hahahaha standard ar.. Aniwaes, upon the arrival of boss, we got started on work; only to begin with childish antics involving videophones!! Hahahaha i made a superbly cool video with my phone! Really really cool! u all shld look me up and ask me to show the video of the Magic Cap k?? Please do cos im willing to share! hahaha "
Time: 1800hrs
Location: Public
" Off home we go!! Yay yay yippe yay! im skipping home after a day's work.. got bring back homework okay.. dun play2 ar.. hahaha got to finish amending the previous meeting minutes and an article for Police Life magazine!! yay yay! i get such a achieving feeling upon each article published tau.. hahaha *action ajer...* "
Time: 2400hrs
Location: Home Sweet Home
" Now's my time with sweetheart Mai Bunny!! Just wanna say that words cant describe what you meet to me.. If you were a song, you'd be the most requested one on 98.7 FM. If you were a diamond, you'd be the most precious gem of all. If you were a soccer team and named Man U, id support u all the way. If you were the wind, you'd be bringing with you the essences of vanilla and roseberries (???) everywhere u go..
If you were a bird, u'd be in a cage.. Hahahaha But u'd be the prettiest bird in a cage! Reallie Reallie!! "
- This is just a shout out to all those reading my entry k? Thanks for the kind words in my previous entry! So caring one my frens! *wipes a shiny tear from corner of left eye..* Happy elections day ya for those 21 and above? and happy receiving your Progress Pay!! Yeahooo!! Enjoy while you still can! and smile always *while the teeth are still tight to your gums*!! -
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:58 am
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Reflections on Myself..
Hello everyone! I have just completed another meeting involving the big bosses and Im sure they would have a somewhat "not-so-good" perception of me.. I just kinda tend to screw up in one way or another when in their midst.. haish..
Well, the meeting was supposed to start at 1830hrs. But stupid me decided to print the minutes only 30mins beforehand.. Thus, I made Commander, NS Commander and the rest of the big guns wait for abt 15mins. (sighs again)
Upon reaching the meeting room, already packed with high ranking officers, i proceeded to give out the minutes. when i was beside commander, i dropped the whole stack of files clumsily.. (bumps head with hand) haish..
The meeting went well after that except for a few times where the bosses stated the now ever-so-popular phrase "Hanan always last minute what.." though with a sheepish grin, im sure they meant it in a serious-but-change-for-the-better kind of thingy..
Haish.. just feel incapable.. hmm.. gotta change starting tomorrow.. yups! dats what i'll do! =) Hope it can make some people happy though..
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:54 am
Saturday, April 01, 2006
First Driving Date for Mai Bunny and Nanan Cootums!!
Hey hey Bloggie!!
Just wanna exclaim to the blogging community that it was the first time i drove Mai Bunny Umpy Yumpkins Sweetie Cakes in the car!! Yurpiess!! Bangga boboi..
We wnt to Sheng Siong at Ten MileJunction and witnessed the wrath that befalls anyone too kiasu for their own good.. A makcik tried to jump queue as it was already 11pm.. then she dashed for the new line with her fully laden trolley! abeh jatoh tergolek depan kiter eh mai??
Brutal indeed.. tapi no matter wad Mai Bunny claims, i was onli trying to convey my deepest sympathies k?? =)
I hope i can get more car trips wif u sweetie pie snookum wookums!! Cant wait to get rid of my Triangles cos they're the reason i get bullied on the road!! hahahaha takper.. sabar.. pahit akan manis akhirnya..
By the way sweetheart, u looked superb tonite.. very pretty lah u!! hehhehhe *blushes*
"Someday... When im awfully low..
Whenthe world is cold.. I can feel a glow..
Just thinking of u..
And the way u look tonite.."
Posted by hanan bunny at 2:53 am
Second Chapter in my Journal to the City of Kuala Lumpur
Great Times, Great Food, Great Company!!
Before i begin, I'd like to inform our non-Malay readers about the meaning of Kuala Lumpur.. Something that we take for granted.. Kuala Lumpur if directly translated into English means Muddy Creek.. or sumthing along that lien. Hahahhaa
-makes us think on how KL was like in the olden days- *sprouts a white strand of hair*
Aniwaes! welcome back to Hanan's trip cum adventure Journal to KL!!! The last time we ended off wif a few pics at KLCC. If you'd like to know, KLCC is an abbreviation for Kuala Lumpur City Centre! Hahahaha i didn't noe that before i sat down and watched the intro movie! (somewhat political in nature) =)

Well, the gang reached KLCC at around 1030 am on Friday and we got free tickets for 445pm! Thus, being the gracious pals we are, we took 2 extra for Nookie and annuar! But nonetheless, the tix went to waste as they didnt show up due to a cellular fault.. =) Here is a pic taken at the KLCC tower!

Nice eh? the tour guides were extremely polite and spoke with a thick accent of "Malayiesh". This is the language of those who try to blend with the Caucasian tourists and speak just as well as they do - only with a thick juicy Kampong accent - (kinda mean but true nonetheless) We got a pic wif Mawi!!! yay yay!! look at the "eksyen" face he puts on!! hahahaha classic indeed! =)

We took a few group fotos at the Sky Bridge u noe! wanna see the stupendous panorama and the exhilarating splendour of the KL skyline? Well here goes!! But u still gotta go there urself to bask in the extravagance of mega steel structures and tons of hard concrete plastered together to form the KLCC towers!
hahahahhaa Cheeem sia!!S
ee the surrounding areas around KLCC as well as the view from below!! Fantastic i tell ya! definitely one of the world's biggest Malaysian towers ever to have been built! hahahaha and its true i tell ya! as true as the sky is blue!

Here are some other pics we took at Berjaya Times Square! The F1 season just ended and we decided to soak up a morsel of the atmosphere! hahhaa fantastic looking machine u got there Malaysia! hahahhaa
Look at the colours that make up Cosmo Fun Land!! a sight to behold for all including those with vision impaired-ness in the colour section. hahahaha truly magnificent and from the shrieks and screams we heard from below, this might have been the sounds taken for the movie "Final Destination 3"!! hahahhaa great movie by the way guys and gals!! 
Well well.. we ended up in Federal Hotel where the sun was shining and the view was breath taking! hahahaha got a superb view of the KLCC tower and the Kuala Lumpur road system! i betcha ive learnt how to go to KLCC!! yup yups!!
Haish, all great things must come to an end.. Here we are at the Puduraya station where we sadly waited for the coach to drag us away from KL holidaying spirits.. The apek had incidentally printed our tickets wrongly and we ended up getting separated during the trip home.

However, our upbeat spirits held on and we made thru the 4 hour long trip with patience!! the superbly kinky Javanese in-coach movie had also assisted in soothig nerves as well! hahahaahhaha By the way, i made a friend on the way home to S'pore! He is a 50 plus year old Malay guy who lives in Tampines!! Hahahaha we talked about many stuff including the standard of living in S'pore, kampongs in Malaysia and the future! hahaha i can proudly say that i appeal to the young, old, bold and the beautiful!! =)
Baik ar Nan!! Wrapping things up, it was a fantabulous few days spent wif the guys! great fun, great times, great memories, great pics, great rest!! Thanks guys! see you next trip at Redang Island!! hahahahaha may god lead us the path towards Redang bliss!!
By the way, my quote for the day is as such:
-Shopping is great.
-Getting cheap stuff during shopping is better.
-Buying stuff wif other's cash is fantastic.
-Trying out the new stuff is exhilarating.
-Losing ur wonderful specs just before leaving for S'pore from KL is just plain priceless..
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:36 am