Saturday, May 20, 2006
A Wedding Tale..
Hello everyone! Its me yet again!!Well, today has been a fantastic day out starting with a wedding which i was involved in. My kompang group took the role as ushers at this homely wedding of Cikgu Khalidah's little sister! It was nice with all relatives and frens dressed in their best for this occasion! We were all donned up in our yellow baju kurungs and with me being the Khalifah for the day, was in black! =) We started the day with fantastic mee goreng and goreng pisang prepared by my mummy! terrific cook i shld say! Thats why i grew up to be a smiley boy with dimples on each cheek! hahaaha Thanks mum!Anyways, we went to the bride's place at ard 2pm and were greeted with smiles all around. True enough, all the gerls and guys were dressed to impress! hahaa one other thing i love about such undangan! =) we were also harassed repeatedly by a guy who was speaking gibberish and seemed abit lost in thinking. Hehehe get my drift? hope that was subtle enuff! Well, he went on to sit beside us during our discussions while awaiting the bride and groom to change into their new outfits. He played a major role in the return trip to the groom's place! hahahaa he performed the silat while us guys, played a trance-lke beat.. Hahahah and when it was my brother's turn to silat, he took my bro's kompang and played an out-of-tune tune!!! hahaahaa that surely put a smile or two on my troop's faces! hahahahaThanks bro fomaking our day! We rougt home 20 bucks each with a precious memory of this fateful day!! hahaha Truly amazing, truly Singapore..Anyways, my feet are blistered a day before the Big Walk!! i played street soccer without shoes!! hahahaaha but kinda nice playing a sport that i like every weekend! makes sure that i maintain my sexy figure! hahahhaa i have been described as owning a body like a recorder remember?? hahahahaCurves nonetheless!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:16 pm
JJC Talentime 2006!!
The night was set for JJC's Talent Quest for the year 2006. The air was tense as performers got ready their last minute preparations for their moment on stage. The crowd began filling in the Nanyang Auditorium at NTU. The time: 1830hrs, Date: 19 May 2006..
It started off promising with Garden of Eve performing their rendition of "Zombie" this was clearly well received by the warm cheers and applause which followed as soon as their performance ended! 2 other groups competed in this vocal group category and they were Aphrodisiac and Kirei Kumi respectively. hahaha Garden of Eve clinched the top prize at the end of the day! Fantastic gerl drummer by the way!! impressive stuff!!
Next up in the night's line-up of categories was the vocal solo english category!! well organised if i muct add about this year's talentime!! Fantastic organisation, superb new initiatives like calling all past winners as way back as 1999, as well as getting a new environment and a Guest of Honour!! (Chan Soo Sen)
Well, i should exclaim to everyone i the Blogging world that JJC has a fantastic bunch of singers just spilling over from its bowl!! The champion in this category was a small petite Malay gerl by the name of Nor Farhana Binte Suhadi.. When she came on stage, i didnt bat an eyelid over her dress or make up.. However, when she started belting out Lee Ann Rimes' "How Do I Live", it was as if they were playing it from the CD!!!! Im not joking guys and gerls!! She has that kind of voice quality!! Ni kalau masok S'pore Idol.. Mmmm mmmmm... JJC will have to put every Sunday as a must see as she would most definitely enter top 10!! Seriously! i got a video if u dun believe!!
The other contestants sang veautifully as well!! dun get me wrong but the sole thorn among the roses was a bit "mendak". He was Muhd Azmil who presented Bailamos!! hahahhaa fantastic effort but the vocals aint there man!! but kudos to you for making it so far till the Grand Finals!! The net singer was Yap Han Ning with her Kelly Clarkson song, "Because of You". Let's just say that i almost cried if not for the fact that i was in public and watching it beside my buddies.. hahhahaa She was amazing as well!! never bluff, but i dun haf a video of her.. hahaha
I shall just go to the main event, which was the dance group category!! this was a first ever i think, for JJC Talentime and it did not disappoint at all!! Fan tastic choreoraphy by the JJCians!! imagine how they practise and do homework at the same time!! hahaha assuming that hw is passed up on time, every time!! hahahaa but reallie impressive lorh!! i tot i might have just jumped my ass off my seat and grooved to the beat as well!! if not for the fact that i was conscious and that i cant dance for nuts.. hahahaha tapi gelek nya manis lagi mengancam!!
Well, the Champion trophy of the dance group category was handed over to Mutton Balls!! aka Bola Kambeng!! hahahaa interesting name by the way! and reallie reallie superb performance guys and gals!! =) a superb display of talent and professionalism!! hahahhaa waduh waduuuuhh..
When it came to the special performances, my did we get a treat for our 10 dollars tickets!! the teachers went up stage and performed for all present! and i aint talking abt some boring nasty show!! im saying up to date songs, sleek dance moves, and screaming which ensued every gyrating hip!! hahahhaha thats shld sum up the performance of Mr Joseph Tan!! He started off with a chinese number.. what followed suit was out of the ordinary! he sang Siti Nurhaliza's "percayalah"!!! and it was all in tune!! hahaha after that was a string of cool dance moves! U truly haf outdone urself Sir!!
Mr Chan Soo sen, Minister of State, was not to be left out either!! hahaha he took the mike and belted out various songs from young to old time, ranging from "Bengawan Solo" up to a melodious Chinese tune! hahhaa this sporting minister even invited Birthday Boy, princial Koh to sing with him!! hahaahhaha
*he outsang mr koh in every verse though* hahahhaa reallie enjoyed myself watching u guys though! fantastic performance!!
Well, i just wanna say thank you JJC for organising such an enjoyable event which brings together old frens and students and teachers! U can bet on my attendance for the next skool occasion! Congrats on a night of spectacle and fantastic memories! You truly have embedded a deep imprint in the hearts of many!!
JJCians alike now have so much more to be proud of.. a skool with spirit.. =)
Like they always say, " Once a JJcian, Always a JJCian!!"
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:58 am
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Fantastic Weekend and Great Looking Week Ahead!!
Hello fellow Netizens and Bloggers alike! We meeet again at this humble blog of mine, scattered with circles of colours which brighten anyone's day! =)
Well, as the title suggests, my weekend, days and future days are looking pretty good at the moment! Work is all under control and up to date, plans are being met, recreation is being allocated, just took half a day's off and yes, the holidays are coming!! Wonderful Vesak Day!! =)
Hmm, lemme start off with my weekend! General Elections just passed by and the whole office got deployed to the stadiums due to lack of manpower!! i was eating at cck park when my pal sms ed me the news! hahaaahahhaa Times like these i realise the light behind the rain and thunder.. Colourblindness has its blessings.. =)
Well, the Sunday was spent at chalet downtown East where Kak Lynn celebrated her 25th (i think) birthday!!! weee heeeee! dapat jumper sedare serani yg agak distant but cousins and relatives nonetheless!! =) I got to meet little Hana at the chalet!! da pandai jalan seh! bebual pon alhamdulillah cumer takkan paham aper dier bebual.. hahahaaha well, she does shout "

ai pai!" once hi-5 goes on tv!! hahahhaa
Pandai lah dier!! Here's a shot of little Hana wif my grandma! her great grandma!! =) both so kiut!
Well, the monday came as fast as it went as my day was filled with preparations for this Sunday's friendly! weee hoooo! hope it will be a success!! got the trophies ready and the shooters all geared up for a morale boosting win this coming Sunday! another first competition im organising by the way!! hehehehe
well, enough abt the past, today's half day off was spent with little mai bunny!! she just returned from KL by the way!! =) so nice to see that wittle kiuti face and sweet high pitch (in a good way) voice again!! hehehe i mishes u bies!
Well, most peeps would just go overseas and pamper themselves.. but not Mai Bunny!! hahaha she bought me sumting only found in Malaysia!! cool huh?!! no we're not talking oily Ramly burgers.. not even dust-collecting congkak sets!! And no, not a copy of Utusan Malaysia!! hahahhaa well, let the pictures do the talking!!

She got me a box of 6 mouth wateringly delicious Dunkin' Donuts!!! yeahoooo!!! hahahaha fantastic i tell you!!! i shared it wif my whole family and i could tell that everyone felt a bit Malaysian after that.. hahahaha Thankies Bies Boochums!!
Well, guys and gals, juat wanna make an announcement that this year will be the last year where the National Stadium will be up!! Let's cherish the moments we have left and reminisce all the glory and memories that basks in each pillar of Kallang Stadium..
I myself am doing my part by joining the Big Walk! hahahah it starts at Kallang Stadium if im not mistaken!! =) haahahaha Dun believe me? well take a look!! hahahhaha see, i told you!!! come on everyone! muster up your strengths and contribute that $4.00 for this once in a year event!!

Start walking before your knees say No!! hahahahaha
Let's salvage whatever time we have left and walk the path where legends like Fandi, Abbas, Michael Vana, Alistair Edwards, Sundram, Jang Jung, David Lee, Abdul Malik, Samawira, Borhan Abu Samah, Nazri Nasir, RAfi Ali, Rudy Khairon, Lim Tong Hai, Zulkarnaen Zainal and many more, used to trudge on...
We might never get to see that moment again... *jeng jeng jeeeeeeng*
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:06 am