Saturday, September 02, 2006
Jerseys Selection!!
Hello to anyone looking at my blog! this entry will be dedicated to those Malay Gangsta FC who would like to mae their views heard with regards to jersey selections.
Well, the M.G.F.C exco members had gone to Queensway aka Jersey Haven to specially shortlist a few models of jerseys for your easy viewing pleasure.. Please leave your comments if you would like to make your views heard.
kalau tanak takper.. takder orang pakse.. =)
1) First and personal favourites!! Blue with Lime green stripes.

Conferm takder team lain ader nyer ni.. The whole suit inc socks and number will be 30 bucks top only i think 17 bucks. We shall call this (A1).
2) Secondly would be the JJC former jersey when they lifted the trophy for A division soccer tournament. Bright green that will blend well with the grass.. Tactical aproach to the game.

Kalau orang tgk betol2, mcm ader tangan terkeluar dari sleeve. Jgn takot. it will not come with the jerseys. =) kene bayar lebih kalau gituk..
3)I thought this wasnt bad ar. Since our original colour is white. Tapi the problem is dier cepat kotor eh? tapi up to u guys. Sila bersantapan dgn jersey2 lain jugak..

This one is the cheapest for top ar at 14 bucks fo top wif number. kalau full set is 26 bucks.
4) Ni pon caught out attention jugak! FBT with red base and grey lines at the sides.. Amaciam? cumer satu aer tak favret, the shorts will be red ajer tanpa any designs.

Kedai ini dimilik encik Saburuddin tingkat 2 Queensway. Takder comments lain.. Cumer dier kasi isteri dier bebual all the way walaupon dier pat sebelah tgh lipat baju..
5) This one is white based jugak dgn simple black designs at the shoulders.. Ada mirip2 jersey nike lah yg dilihat di World of Sports JP!! Serious! aku dgn Khamsya da ader.. ahahaha

Jersey i ader adek beradek dier. tak cayer? tgk bawah nyer jersey..
6) Jersey ni ader mcm menonjolkan bahawa kiter ader sponsor ar.. mcm well-established semi-pro football team... Wadya think guys??

Well, personally these jerseys ader lawa ar.. kalau nak beli pon kene pikir nak full ke tops ajer.. kiter carik kata sepakat baru beli yer? preferably on next payday ar..
Til later then! game at Jurong West Sec k? Slamatzz!
All other blog visitors are more then welcomed to drop their comments too k? the more the merrier..
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:20 pm