Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Eli Aiboyz FC!!
Hello one and all!! This blog entry will be devoted to the Semi-Pro Soccer team we call Eli Aiboyz Football Club!!
Founded in 2006 by a group of budding talents, we started off with the hope of forming this team to allow less fortunate players like us to have a sense of identity and a channel where our meagre talents can be honed to the maximum potential..
No doubt we started off a little shaky, not even knowing how to book fields, etc, now, we are having friendlies almost every week! Our fan base is still quite laughable but we are slowly getting there with new players voicing their interests to join in our fun and happy team!
Here we have our very first team photo.. I present to you Eli Aiboyz Football Club, Singapore's happiest semi-pro Soccer team!! Our motto: Smangat nampak...

Here u can see the boys in action! We were pit against Khai's team.. the one with a manager and enuff players present to form two whole teams!! hahahhaa no kidding!! well, we went into the match feeling like underdgs but i could tell that the guys wanted the win pretty bad, especially with mtching jerseys for the first time!! (thanks is)

Location, JJc field. Score in the end: 4-3 Winner: Eli Aiboyz FC.
Scorers: Harun X2 Mamat X2

Nice win guys!! hope to repeat the stunning performanc in this Sunday's tournament!! we shall do semi-pro teams alike proud!!
Smangat nampak!!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:15 am
Monday, November 13, 2006
NS Peepz Jalan Raya 2006
Hello everyone!! welcome once again to my humble bloggie!!Well, in this ost, i'd like to write to u guys and gerls about the NS Jalan Raye 2006!! yes u heard me rite!! we together with the chinese as well, went housevisiting on Saturday, 11th Novmber! Cool eh?? that was also a first for me in going out wif the guys almost for the whole day.. normally, our days used to be spent in the office way far in e central of singapore, Police Cantonment Complex.. But not today!!!ORD - Oh!!!!!
Well, we started off the day at my house and here was where everyone got into the mood for Hari Raya with baju kurong loaned kindly by Yusri and yours truly!! =) looking nice guys!!! The picture above was taken at the second house where our Makcik Cleaner lived!! She cooked nice; laksa, lontong, lodeh, sotong sambal, etc.. Superb makcik! keep it up!!*by the way, her children are professional tennis players!!*
Here is me and my buddy Marc!! Looking nice there bro! that baju kurong has a nicer colour thn mine!! hahaa and its spposed to be MY Hari Raya!! hmpphhsss!!Hahahaha this was taken at Faruq's house, the last house before we went home...
Thanks for making this year's jalan raya happen guys and gerls and Ma'am!! =) greatly appreciate it.. Looking forward to next year's meet up!! whu noes, maybe some people will be married, others still single... *winks*Till next entry then!! toodles dooo!
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:19 am
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
JJC Jalan Raye 2006!!!!
Selamat Hari Raye Kepada semua JJCians!!! Dari kami batch 2003-2004!!!
Hello there all!! Life is about to return to normal with me, Hanan, relinquishing my police powers in 4 days to come and being a normal citizen once again!!! ORD-oh!!! Yay hoooo!!!
However, i shall write about my NS exploits in another entry ya?? this one shall be specially for a great day out wif long-time frens!!! We had the second JJC Jalan Raye (if im not wrong) on the 5th of November!!!! if u guys and gals rmbr, the previous yr was only me and 4 gerls!
Byk dibuih ar.. hahahhaa but this year was well done if im not wrong!! =) superb turnout! Well, the best part was that mai bunny joined despite being sick in the mornign part of the day!! so sweet and kind of her!! if not for her, i dun think i mite be up and running til nite time!!! hahaaha thankies sweetheart bunny lumpkins!!

Wanna see her pics wif me??? well here goes!!! Alamak! canot put pics in this enty.. im sorry... hahahaa i shall still keep trying so that all you can enjoy!! =)
Aniwaes, we ate at every single house!! makan sampai nak muntah!! as khamsya said, " aku da makan sampai paras palat!" hahahaha palat itu perkare pelik di bahagian dagu nya!! hahahaha usah disentuh, nescaya batal wudhuk kamu!! =)
Aniwaes, we started wif rumah khairun!! elok itu nuggets, fries dan mee goreng! trimer kaseh makcik!! sarapan itu memang lah enak sekali! maser time ini, cumer hanya 50% strength kami! tami masta allah! sebab lapar punye pasal, sumer dijamah licin.. hahhahaa im proud of the JJC crew! hahaha
Next house was abang Zainal! kami menaki van bahang tapi perjalanan itu ke JJC nye daerah! di rumah zainal, masya allah! makanan galore!! kek gulong!! ayam!! wow! kiter sempat pekiik wau sahajer!! hahahahaa setelah itu, kami ke rumah nadzirah di mana kami bersantap mee goreng dan ayam sekali lagik!!! hahahaa banyak ayam tu!! hahahahaa
kiter seteros nyer ke rumah khamsya!! great tiing sebab kiter sampai ajer, the repair man abes repair scv khamsya!!! hahahha sempat tgk I spy!! hahaaahha di rumah sya, kiter makan kari daging dengan roti! just nice serving nyer!! fantastic!!! =)
seperti mana setiap tahun, kami ke rumah patik selepas umah khamsya!! hahahhaa dis was around 3pm!! =) di sini lah kami emmakan nasi lemak yg long overdue sebabb kami looking forward makan nasi lemak pagi2 untuk sarapan! haahahaa trimer kaseh mak sebab ayam yg enak lazat!!! Di sisni jugak lah kami disertai oleh shafawati serta amat dan harun dari bukit panjang!! ini lah masa nyer kawan2!! kami muler meriah dan riuh!!
Perjalanan kami tidak akan serancak seperti mana yg dilalui tanpa kenderaan yg dipinjam dgn mesra nyer oleh Cik Adam!! trimer kaseh cik!! Slamat hari Raye!!! =) the van gave us a chance to mingle and come up wif new jokes, cheers, and more jokes!!! hahahhaa superb van yg berjasa! hahaha walaupon kadangkala masa tengah hari ianya panas mcm ketuhar baru!

Di waktu malam, ketika da time nak pulang... kami sumer ader sedih sikit sebab kene go back to normal life, work or skool.... Tapi seronok memang da dinikmati!! hahahaha walaupon setakat stop mereka d clementi serta jurong east, mereka tiada yg pulang sendiri.. =) itu yg kiter mahu! takde org balek sorang.. sumer enjoyzz!!!
Thanks all of u for making my Sunday!! Superb lah korang!! Leh caya sama luuu!!! =)
*Amat Harun Khamsya Sadiq Hazahar Razali Shafa Nadzi Mai Khairun Nissa*
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:23 am