Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Berhari Raye di tahun 2007!!!
Hi blog of mine!! i haf long abaikan u.. tapi memang takkan ku lupekan address mu yg memang one in a million gituk.. =) Well, hello again u!! lawa lah layout awak, courtesy if kak Mai kiter!!! aweee heeeee!!!Well, well.. Its just been hari raya for the year 2007!!! hari raye tahun ni jatuh tanggal 14 Oct 2007 on a Saturday!! Fantabulous times tau, due to the off days my dad got this year and my brudder dpt balek ke pangkuan ibu bapa di Jurong West and i got more than enuf baju raye this year!! hahahaPreparations were great too!! I at last did the wire for the skeleton of the lap lip!! hahaha this year we are gonna challenge the others' with our 2 boxes of lights which may be powerful enuf to reach the malaysian astronauts on the Intl Space Station!! =) wanna see em?? heheheh
~ Itu dia pemandangan lap lip rumah ku dgn crescent n star yg malap sikit. hahaha But worth a shot dun u think?? =) shld win the others' hands down tho..Moving along, we took the family pics using the timer on the ever-trusted blue digicam of ours!! Thus, pls sit back n relax n enjoy the sights on the 'sombre' Beraya custom of the Aziz family!!!
~ Firstly, mak n abah will kick start this sombre event.. Abah nampak gembire setelah mendengar hujah2 mak yg menyayat hati dan mengguris jiwa..
~ Ni kakak saye tgh reluctant nak posing lamer2 nak dptkan saat kehibaan di ambang takbir raya... ~
~ Dan ini lah saye!! Di sebalik senyuman yg riang dan gembira.. Senyuman tetap terukir kerana ternampak kebiruan duit raya di ambang tangan ibu.. Alhamzz... ~
~ Hey hey and not forgetting my brudder whus in the army now!! Acting tough but i noes he can feel the kesyahduan time nak sujud mintak maaf.. hahaha sebab kalau ader duit depan mata, takkan dier tanak sujud.. hahahhaha =)Well, here is the Family Picture for my Hari Raye 2007!!!!

Next posting shall be on my extended family k?? So keep in touch for that episode coming right up!!! Till later then Mr Bloggie!!
~ Ciaoz!
Posted by hanan bunny at 3:05 am