Thursday, February 28, 2008

Attention one and all!!! Mega Karnival proudly organised by PBMUKS will be THE event to happen this March! (besides MSS nyer Deklamasi Sajak) Always wanted to see stars like Didicadzli, Sleeq and Sarkasi Said up close?
Well, look no further and wait no longer!! Call Naim n Nadia and get ur tickets soon!!! Ayuh jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan untuk bermandian dalam budaya di Taman Warisan aka Istana Kampong Glam!!
Tarikh nya 14-16 Mac 2008!! Gerai bermacam gaya akan menanti anda!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 9:44 pm
Friday, February 22, 2008
3rd Edition of Pantun-in-a-Lecture!!
Why hello there one and all!! its time for another edition of Pantun-in-a-Lecture!! As you all know, we haf been actively trying to fill up our MS2210 lectures with creativity and passion for the Malay language.. We, the Pantuneers haf decided to recruit another one of our long-time BP pals who just changes module and got into our MS2210!!! hahahaha
Thus, without further ado please allow me to portray a nice pic taken by a frenly Eurasian fren of ours who we still dunno her name yet.. (sorry for the broken English..)
(From left, clockwise motion: Haekal, Fairus, Zuraimi, Hanan) MS 2210
Lect 6
20th Feb 2008
Tema: Kiamat dan Benggali
Dalam silat blaja sidekick,
Ilham daripada Srikandi Tun Teja;
Seorang Bai Singh terpekik-pekik,
"En-kiamat, en-kiamat, ada orang mintak kerja!"
Pakcik miang beli rantai sutas,
Beli di kedai emas dimiliki Ah Seng;
Turban Bai Singh sungguh flat di atas,
Supaya senang kalau nak main Gah-singh..
Cik Aci naik bas ke pasar,
Sari dibalut dengan kain;
Kalau bijak apa maksud peribahasa,
Rambut sama hitam, turban lain-lain..
Semalam saya ke Kuala Bangsar,
Makan buffet sehingga bonchet;
Bai Singh sebenarnya mafia besar,
Selalu seludup rokok bedek dalam tonchet..
Takde kerje kopek kentang,
Kopek kentang dengan Hidayat;
Kalau turban luas terbentang,
Nescaya muat membalut mayat..
Abu suka berkaraoke dgn Cik Millah,
Lepas berkaraoke ke kedai membeli topeng;
Semua singh-singh berbulu nau'zubillah,
Sebab Guru Nanak sebenarnye ialah Ah Meng..
Ah Meng mati, semua sayu,
Pasal takde monyet nak 'posing';
Malaysia memang Tanah Melayu,
Takkan Singapura tanah si Singh?
Ke Hjh Maimunah untuk siput sedut,
Bekal siput sedut dibawa ke jemputan;
Bai Singh sebenarnye sering berdangdut,
Lebih-lebih lagi lagu "Singh-golan Cubitan"..
Iskandar Syah ada keramat,
Tempat letaknya di Fort Canning;
Aku ingatkan da nak Kiamat,
Rupa rupanya budak2 bi-singh..
Wak Mat berani masok hutan,
Memancing di sungai mendapat ikan;
Singh satu badan berbulu mcm rambutan,
Bulu ketiak pon terpaksa di-turban-kan..
Ali main layang-layang,
Boleh join kalau sudi;
Rambut panjang ikal mayang,
Rupanya Singh tengah mandi..
Lecture kami hampir tamat,
Cakap bubbye pat cikgu yg lawa;
Salah satu tanda kiamat,
Nampak Benggali bertonchet dua...
Nampak apek yang sudah tua,
Sedang asyik membuang hingus;
Kalau Benggali bertonchet dua,
Umpama Chun Li terbakar hangus..
Batman tinggal di dalam gua,
Boleh rapelling pakai tali;
Kalau Bai Singh bertonchet dua,
Buang itu turban, pakaikan coli!
Harus tidur selepas main,
Itulah diajar dalam sains;
Asal rambut sama hitam turban lain,
Bulu sama hitam, seluar dalam lain-lain..
And there u have it ladies n gentlepersons!! The third edition of Pantun-in-a-Lecture!! Wooo hooo!! Thanks to Faatihah for the suggestion of Hari Kiamat ye!!
For those out there who happen to stumble upon this blog and haf the similar need and aspirations of wanting their voices heard, please do offer suggestions of possible topics which we can use to rack up new pantuns during the next edition ya!!
Next week is recess week for us and even tho we love pantun, dun expect us to come down school during holidays just to sit around and make pantuns for 2 hours lah.. hahhaa nonsense lah u!
Thus, on behalf of the Pantuneers, thanks for reading and appreciating Malay Culture through this fun medium!! =D Drop a comment or two kalau tangan u all tu da menggelitis k? Kalau nak letak anonymous pon ok.. nak letak nama gelaran pon ok..
Till the next time then!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 3:37 pm
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Second Part to MaiNan's Happy Post-Valentine's
55th Monthsary!!

Why hello there!!
Guess ur still awaiting eagerly for the second installment to the Post-Valentine's day huh? hahah Well, wait no longer for here it comes!! It is still the same Sunday, the same place: Botanical Gardens!! As you can see, it is a fantastic looking day with coconut trees swaying 'neath the wispy clouds which decorate the velvety blue sky..
I shall show u some pics we took as we were about to skip out of the Gardens.. Truly a magnificent day i tell ya! But filled wif foreign talents to the brim!!

Here we haf me!! under a nice redup tree!! yes yes!! ini lah dia pokok yg dikatakan oleh Tok Penghulu dlm Nujum Pa' Blalang time nak carik pencuri lembu n kambing!! hahaha "ohhh.. yg redup redup tu Pohon Beringiiin... Eh kau tak nampak? Tanda nya kau nak mampos tu!!"
Hahaha still cracks me up each time i see that part.. How gullible Malays are.. hahaha Kesian kiter.. Aniwaes, it is actually a tree originatin from Venezuela!! in case u didnt know!! yes yes!! and by the way, Venezuela i heard is still a colony of the USA!! hahaha
And this is a sign which i think should be put up ALL over singapore!! hahaha it will make our nation-state a truly safe n secure one with beasts being leashed and under the supervision of their owners!!

Here we have Mai Bies once again striking a pose!! hehehe tis frame tho, encaptures the moment when she seems to be in motion wif the breeze that is swaying the leaves n trees in the foreground!! Can see?? hehehe intresting rite!! =D Macam graceful plak nyer gambar ni.. =D
Well this was taken just before we hopped onto the cab and headed for.......
Guess u guys n gals didnt noe abt this treasure trove of a place!! A quick History lesson for us all.. Dempsey Hil, if u asked ur dads, Dempsey Hill was the premises of the former CMPB or Central Manpower Base where guys went for their pre-enlistment medical check up before NS!! hahaha truly a place of mem'ries!!
And indeed the buildings were like stores for armoury n ammunitions!! but with a tinge of class n a dash of interior decor plus influences from the Enlightenment & Renaissance period, Dempsey Hill has now become a place for the posh!! Indeed u shall see in the preceedin pics!!
Aniwaes, Mai Bies brought me to Ben n Jerry's for after-lunch treat!! hehehehe gerek seh!!! i felt so pampered!! and it was a never-been-before place for Mai n Nan!! The Ben n Jerry's was fantabulous i tell ya!! Lets see wad it looks like at the front!!

Nice eh?? Looks like a laid-back Western ranch!! hahaha macam nak masok dan order Gin n Tonic! hahaha And notice the swings at the side? hahaha Now THAT was a first time i saw swings for customers!! hehehehe
Truly a nice ambience for any occasion, for any company.. hehehe Well, if u notice the small hippie van guarded by the bedek cow at the right hand side? hahaha We sure took a shot wif that van!! =D
Here u have me asking the driver to shift it abit to the front so that the customers can exit from the back!! hahaha but he refused and left me all alone in the passengers' seat! haishes.. And i dunno why i stayed there in that struck pose waiting for Mai Bies to take me pic!! hahaha
Well, i wasnt the onli one whu took the opportunity!!!!

Tadaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Mai Bies oso!! hahahah here we see her enjoying the moment where there wasnt a driver at the helm!! i told her to make do like she was sitting on the wittle cow!! hahahah but unfortunately, the jitters got to her and we shall haf to settle wif a typical Kawaiii pic wif twist on the sides!! =D
Still kiut tho!! *pinches cheeks*

Well, we happened to get seats in the air-conditioned, pre-war building but decorated to make it seem like a tavern! hahaha it was truly a comfy place i tell ya, wif fantabulous top=class service! =D here we haf myself grinning like a cheshire cat upon receiving my order of Chocolate Cookie Dough with M&Ms topping n whipped cream plus hot fudge!! yummeh!!!

We can oso witness Mai Bies spotting the same Cheshire Cat grin upon receiving her order of Chocolate Thingy wif nuts as toppings as well as whipped cream n hot fudge too!! Hers was abit sweet and tremendously nicely decorated.. and so was mine!! hehehehe Cumer i realised that i dun reallie prefer my ice cream wif cookie dough seh.. hahaha
But thanks bie for the ice cream treat!! tee hee heee!!

Look at that.. so nice till Wittle Bies simpy cant bring herself to open her eyes when it travels down to her tummy!! hahaha
Aniwaes, further down would be our couple pic at Ben n Jerry's!! weee heee heeee!! Oh n if u go to wittle Bies' blog, it would also say this same thing im abt to say!! The guys beside us were gays u noe!! hahaha I noe its a social construct to say that they are gays based on how they dress n the way the spoke to each other and stressing every little thing with "Eewweyy.." but dats GAY..

Well, here u can see the perfect ambience which is being presented here at the ranch of Ben n Jerry's!!! There is a nice make-believe chimney wif a fireplace to go wif it.. and any performers are free to play wif the keyboard n sing a long as well!! Just beside this would be a big comfy couch fit for one to place his/her legs outstretched after finishing a meal of icecream atop waffles!! hehehe ummm!!! Sublime i tell ya!!

*artistic views please*

And the decor is fantabulous too!! just look at the pic below!! this is the chandelier which they got from sum Duke's manor in the hills of Mordor i think!! hahaha But it was truly fruity niceee!! They got these reallie comfy couches which lets our butts sink in while we relax like the Malays that we are!! hehehe
Thus, Mai n me decided to rest our butts down after the sumptuous meal and take pics befitting of MAXIM magazine.. Well, thats true on my part i thinks!! hahaha (macam paham)

*Weee wittsss*

Well, the place there was filled wif everything ice-creamy till event the dividers were icecreams!! hahaha see seee!!! I think i noe of the decor of my future home already!! hahaha will be a homely place for upbringing of the children.. Cheyyy...
Aniwaes, me n bies got a chance to encapture the happiness n joy in the air while we were still celebrating the 55th monthsary!! seee?? hahaha they are represented by the red, orange n blue swirls al around us!! hahaha

And all these by using a 6.0 megapixel camera!! truly a fantabulous revelation!! hahaha
After all these, Mai n Nan started on their way home.. Along he way, they got lost amidst the signs which showed us to various wooden shops which were selling lawn chairs n teak furnishings fit for the upper echelons of Singapore society!! hahaha

Reallie!! these stuff were like to place on the patio or swimming pools!!
Maner lah sayer ader swimming pool?
And for me, i went ahead and found the Dempsey Hill sign!! hehehe and similar o the previous pose which i struck depan the signature Botanical Gardens gates... I struck this post as well!! To me, it is like the HOLLYWOOD Sign.. Dunno why oso!

Aniwaes, i feel reallie hapy to haf gone on yet another intresting never-b4-gone-to place in Singapore wif Wittle Mai Bies!! She reallie has this niche of organising the best outings!!
Thus, as we walked towards the bustop in the dimming sunset.. hand in hand.. we couldnt help but reflect the past 55months and perhaps thinking where we'd be in the next 55 months?

Tee heee heeee...
For us to know and for u to find out..
Till the next time!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:14 am
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Superb Post-Valentine's Day cum 55th Monthsary Celebrations!!!

Well, well! Hello there frens and pals!! Today's posting might be a little close to the heart cos Im'ma be gushing all over about the celebrations that Mai Bies had carefully planned for me on 17th Feb!! Yes indeed! She was planning it to be a belated Valentine's celebration as well as our 55th months anniversary!! Aweeheee!! =D
Firstly, we met up at around afternoon after solat Zohor and after my Ustaz Fathris Jammin' session at Assyakirin! Tho it was a hot day, i felt that it was truly a beautiful time to take dozens and pics as you guys n gals shall see if u all are willing to scroll further down! =D
We were kinda lucky on that Sunday actually!! U noes why? cos we immediately got a taxi as soon as we stepped on the pavement! *seriousness* This was despite an Indian family decked in traditional costume having to diri tercegat at the opposite side of the road!! hehehe Sori Indian family! =D
"Well, when ur happy n u noe it, snap some pics in the taxi lah!!"
Aniwaes, we reached the first location of the day which happened to be the lovely Singapore Botanical Gardens!! Well, as happy n elated i was, i still had the common discourse of being a typical Singaporean to take a memorable picture at the gates of the Gardens!! =D Trying to stretch out to the 2 side pillars there!! Wee hee hee!
Well well, we were going for a first-ever picnic at the Botanic Gardens!! hehehe weird eh? in almost 5 years being together, kami belom pernah pernah gi picnic bersame! hahaha Valentine's day was the onli time i tot of having a meal on a mat in a field under the stars! Hahaha
Here's the spread all over the spanking new mat which Mai Bies bought specially for this picnic! We got a perfect spot under a tree among the overgrown roots and most importantly, away from the blistering hot sun!! (apparently for the first 45mins only)
(In clockwise motion: my plate of terrifically prepared lunch, Snapple for me, dessert comprising 2 Yanyans, another prepared lunch, forknspoon, honey roasted beef which was marinated for the past 3 days!!, and Snapple sebelah)Truly a delightful spread i tell ya!! Time for a food review!! I know u guys n gals are dreading to noe wad these pics taste like in real life!! hahah let the lucky one whu had a taste till his perot bone-chet, tell u of his experience!!
#1. Snapple Grape Drink: This drink was still kept chilled despite the blazing weather and the wispy clouds in the velvety blue sky. It added the tingling taste of sour n sweet to the whole 4 course meal with the backdrop of the greenery of Singapore's fauna.. Cheyy...
#2. Egg Mayo Sandwich. Tho it may not look presentable yet in the Ziploc bag n from this angle, i assure u that the Egg n Mayo sandwich sure packs a punch in the cuisine!! Truly fantastic!! Subtle yet added with pepper for a tinge of spice! Macam jugak relationship!! Tee hee hee!! =D *blushes* This sandwich was made using french loaves and it was nice with great texture..
#3. Mashed Potato wif Dressing. Well, my sis asked me "Whats that ar?!" Indeed it may look out of the ordinary from this angle, but then u should look at how beautifully topped off with cheese it was!! This would be the most filling food item on the menu!
The mashed potatoes wif beef bits n sumting-cheese at the top!! The inti was carefully scraped off to allow the skin to be re-used as a bowl!! Clever rite!! so creative one Wittle Bies!! hahaha i suggested putting in soup after we were done wif the potatoes!! Clever oso rite? hahaha
#4. Honey Baked Beef. And last but not least, Not last for all, here is the honey roasted meat which has been cooked to perfection and marinated till the flavour will tingle ur senses like a little bell!! hahaha haf u guys n gals eaten satay?
well, here i am proudly disclaiming that my Wittle Mai Bunny cooks meat like satay at the best satay place that u have aever eaten at!! Truly!! it was indeed, if i am to choose one, the highlight odf that afternoon's lunch!! Penyebab bonechet la kater kan..
"Tapi biar bonechet di perot, jgn bonechet di hati.."
And what would be a food critic if I didnt show u the glitz n glam behind the cuiine that was being displayed?! Tadaaaahhh.. i present to you, the chef in the kitchen, the fingers which peeled the onions, the hands which stirred the pot, the sweetheart which thought of the whole MaiNan'sday out!
Cheers!! As i tuck into the sublime aroma and rich tastes of the cuisine which lay before my eyes!! Jempots!! =D

After the lunch, we did play a game or two of Dai-Dee or in chinese the call it Big Two! =D Being an avid player of such a card game in the ol' sec school era, i easily brushed aside the opposition wif a clean cut, coolly finished, neatly passed 3-2 victory!! Woo hooo!! and thus, i shall post to you the pics of Ah Pek n Nyonya tgh main pakau..Maseh ganteng ganteng you!
Ini gambar mai baru ternampak my combo of flushes n pairs which was given out hand after hand, and thus, resulting in a hands-down win in the first game of Dai-Dee!! Truly i haf not lost the touch of a winner.. And as a result, i get one sip off her Snapple Grape juice cos i finished mine!! Hey, cuace panas hokay!!
(Model payung pic aka my Bangla picture; tunggu nak hantar balek aje gambar pat Dhaka, Bangladesh atau Mumbai, India)
This is me again after grabbing the Best-of-Five series of Dai-Dee.. It just simply added on to the happiness n joy that our monthsary brought on that day!! hahaha Actually this was taken as i was sweating profucely under the unforgiving sun!This was despite us shifting the mat about three times!! hahahah budden you can see the trusty Esprit umbrella at the back which was the reason why i didnt soak my shirt wet with perspiration n sekali gus, putting me in a bad mood.ahaha thanks umbrella-ella-ella-eh-eh-eh!
(Looking ahead to happy dapper times together..)
Lastly, before i end off Botanic Gardens picnic wif Mai n Nan, id like to post my favret pic!! i dunno why, cos perhaps it just exudes happiness n joy.. cos Mai is beside me...*MmuUuaAacksS*Stay tunes for the second part of the day in the next entry!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:07 pm
Friday, February 15, 2008
2nd Edisi of Pesta Pantun-dalam-Lecture!
Why hello there frens and pals! Welcome once again n thanks for eagerly awaiting the 2nd instalment of this segment of the month which we call "Pesta Pantun-in-a-Lecture". Its sumwhere along the line of Jack-in-the-Box and Wind-in-the-Willows.. Yeah, u got it..
Well, contrary to the previous Pesta Pantun entry, in which i conveyed my gratitude to the masterminds of this gracious love-for-the-language-inspired event only at the last part, i shall now showcase the creativity behind the laughter.. Please notice how intricately delicate n sore our hands are from writing the lines which you are about to enjoy!!

(From Left: Fairus, Zuraimi, Hanan)
Okaes then! Without further ado, lets jump into the next segment of Pesta Pantun-in-a-Lecture Edisi Khas Ke-2!!!
MS2210-Lecture 5
13th Feb 2008, Wed
Berseluar pendek berbaju hitam,
Jam hijau nampaknya indah;
Rajin sungguh pergi ke Batam,
Kenapa malas untuk ibadah?
Tanaman dihias menjadi lumrah,
Nak lebih hasil ditambahkan baja;
Di Batam ada rokok yang murah,
Kalau ibadah kumat-kamit sahaja..
Pak Pandir naik bas ke pekan,
Terpijak ekor kucing jadi kena cakar;
Petang ini sungguh mengantukkan,
Tapi apasal pantun hari ni tak klakar?
Kuntungan bunga indah nan mekar,
Bayu meniup berbalas-balas;
Pantun hari ni tidak kelakar,
Sebab orang tu suggest 'Melayu Malas'..
~At this point we decided to change topic cos it wasnt very funny..~
Menjawab pantun mestilah pantas,
Jangan ibarat Melayu yg malas;
Nama kan anak biar ada class,
Contoh 'upper class' seperti 'Al-atas'..
Intan susah payah manicure kuku,
Badan bulat tapi style step artist;
Biarlah kita 'stim' baca buku-buku,
Jangan pulak 'stim' di Silver Tortoise..
Cari daging di tempat Geylang,
Sudah lama tidak ke sana;
Ada anak yg selalu hilang,
Sebab nama dier Mana Sikana..
Dulu Singapore dilanda Komunis,
Orang ramai lari naik kapal ke Bugis;
Kalau nak anak bila besar berwajah manis,
Register nama nya Gula Melaka Bte Manggis..
Bila selsema hidung ada banyak hingus,
Nak sembuh sumbatkan hidung dengan baja;
Tapi kalau nak keluar baby yg hangus,
Buangkan 'bin' gunakan 's/o' sahaja..
Budak kecil suka bergasak,
Bergasak sampai bertumbuk-tumbuk;
Kalau nak anak yang pandai masak,
Namakan sahaja Othman Wok..
Orang jahat ke penjara Pudu,
Diletak dalam jail ibarat sangkar;
Kalau nak anak yang pandai memandu,
Namakan sahaja Broery Maranti-car..
Gondola jatuh waktu blok mau dicat,
Gondola jatuh kena seorang apek tua;
Kesian baby itu kalau mak bapak dia terencat,
Dinamakan sahaja 'Binaweh Bin Suar'..
Anak kecil sedang mengaji,
Baca dari right to left;
Anak perempuan nama manja Jee,
Kalau lelaki manjanya Yusnor Ef..
Di kedai mamak order tulang,
Makan bersame anak dan bini;
Kalau takut anak awak hilang,
Namakan sahaja 'Walt Di-sini'!
Pergi Lau Pa Sat makan sate babat,
Makan terlalu banyak sampai kepala pening;
Kalau ada baby yg berbulu ketiak lebat,
Namakan sahaja 'Mendiang Ah Meng'.. (Amin)
Hendak tidur masuk ke bilik,
Tak sangka pula ada Si Petom;
Kalau anak suka bergelek,
Namakan dia Sheikh Ya Bombom..
Bila ku ke sekolah terasa macam pelik,
Semua orang sini-sana berbual pasal hadis;
Andai anak itu beragama dan bergelek,
Namakan sahaja dia 'Sheikh Ya Buddhist'..
Carpenter itu mukanya sungguh pucat,
Bekerja satu hari menghidu bau varnish;
Kalau baby berkulit biru dan berkepala cacat,
Namakan lah sahaja 'Lord Ganesh'!
Dulu kala raja suka menghukum pancung,
Tak kisah orang kaya atau pun dayang;
Janganlah namakan anakmu Jang Jung,
Becos kalau Jang Jung pecah Yu akan kenyang..
Thats all folks!! Keep it locked in next Thursday cos the next installment shall be uploaded ya!!
Oh n by the way, we thought of making it more interactive with the Malay community with access to Internet services! We are currently seeking you, who view this blog entry, to come up wif possible topics which we can focus our creativity to, in the next Pesta Pantun-in-a-Lecture!!
So what are you waiting for?? Send us a message and see your wishes come alive in the traditional Malay art form of Pantun!!! =D
Ok maybe not that traditonal..
Til then, Chalobete!
Dari kami, the 3 Pantuneers!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 2:56 pm
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Bowling Outing bersame Family dan Significant Others!!
Why hello there blog of mine!! Time for another.. hahaha nopes.. not 'jooooke joke joke..' it just a simple entry! perhaps a joke in the next entry??
Well, yes, if you guys n gals were asking to urselves, "hey isnt that Superbowl at CDANS on the day after Chinese New Year?" I would have to say yes!!! hahaha what initially was an invitation to Halim n Natasha to a couplez bowling outing turned out to be a whole tournament lah!! hahaha My kak n Riduan turned up as well and my mum and dad oso came in full force!!
Wah piang eh!!
But nvm, senang kater, the avid bowlers stole the show, though in a subtle manner.. not the usual 5 strikes in a row or anything like dat.. hahaha but a credible 137-point game for my last game. Not bad eh??
It was indeed a shock for Natasha cos she wasnt told dat me parents and my sister n sig. other were coming along!! hahaha my brudder does haf his tricks to make an unforgettable first meet-up with my parents seh.. hahah Aniwaes, Riduan came oso dari a meeting in Telok Kurau! He came bowling in full Malay traditional garb mind you!! hahaha even I wear less formal to go for Friday prayers.. =D

(From left: Tis my sister looking forward to another longkang, and my brudder, Halim, ever so action but not as good as the photographer)Hahaha well, Halim had some skills and for a moment there i thot he may eventually win me in a game or two!! Tapi malang tidak berbau, jangan melukut di tepi gantang, buang yg keroh ambil yg jernih.. I won them, all.. hehehe With wittle mai bies quick on me heels!! She is indeed a consistent player u noe!!
Tapi there was another competitor quick on Mai's heels tooo!! That was my mum!! They were superbly close in the 2nd and 3rd games!! I was kinda surprised too!! hahaha Dalam diam seh mak pro-Bowler!! *Bangga anak mak*

(This is us!! The top 2 finishers for the Annual Inter-couple Bowling Tournament 2008)
Just wanna say that bowling wif my significant other has always been fun and enjoyable!! hehehe Kalau takde others around, she would be this competitive wittle bunny who would try hard to keep her hands straight after every throw just so that it would crash directly centre!! =D we shall haf more couple bowling outings ya sweetums!!=D
(My mum going for the strike! And my dad trying to follow some of the tricks my mum forgot to hide from prying competitors' eyes!!)But my mum did get a strike on that day!! So proud!! hahaha well, it is a sublime feat for a 2nd timer seh!! hehehe Well, not forgetting my dad who has an intresting way of bowling too!! Firstly, he is a left-hander and he would try to twirl the ball just before it is released from his grip!! i see like ery style ar!! but i think around 30% of the balls masok longkang! hehehe Never mind, the more people masok longkang, the more the chance of me getting highest score!! Wee hee heee!!

(Tadaaaaaaaah! My dad's special move!! I told ya he has a special skill!! I call it the Hawk!!)
My dad has the ability to clear the spares very well, especially with the Hawk in store!! hahaha He didnt wanna play initially and sat on the stools drinking his kopi! hahaha atlast, the temptations set in as he heard pinfall after pinfall crashing in the still of the atmosphere.. hehehe cheyy!!! Off he hopped to get himself his own size 9 shoes!!
(From left: Wittle Bie, Kakak, Riduan, Halim, Abah, Mak, Natasha)
(Behind the scenes: Hanan, dats me!!) And lastly, before we went to Al-Ameen for a fantastically filling supper/dinner, we had this group picture taken!! Too bad im not in it, but nvm!! hehehe I still awaiting the pic from Riduan's camera though!! Maybe when i get it i shall edit this post ya!!Fantastic day out for a fantabulous Chinese New Year holiday!! Hope to haf more of such fun-filled activities with the family!! I heard Zoo is coming up next!! It dun matter if Ah Meng is away in the heavens rite? we still got lotsa animals to see!!Till tmrw's "Weekly Balas Pantun During the MS Lecturer's class!!"Toodles!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 10:33 pm
Thursday, February 07, 2008
MY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVE!!!!Hello blog!! i think i shall give my blog a name since it holds most of my views and reflections on life!! From today onwards, let me refer to you as Chak Chak Leng.. yes yes!Aniwaes, hi everyone! harap2 semue sihat sejahtera! I just feel that i need to explain the photograph taken below.. it has become my wallpaper for my handphone as i like it a lot.. =D it was taken at my void deck with 10 of my fellow frens all crowding around the camera!And yes, we took turns taking pics wif "Mr Sleeping Man with Work Permit"! hehehe if u think my pic is funny, wait till i upload the others!! it might even receive a warning from MICA for being explicit.. hehehe
From clockwise direction: Hanan, Mr Sleeping Man wif Work Permit
Aniwaes, today was Chinese New Year Eve!! So, being in a multiracial and multiethnic society like Singapore, i would like to share the oy and festivities of the occasion by wishing all Chinese who happen to chance upon my 'Chak Chak Leng' a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rat!! May all good things fall in your path this year and may the bad ones stay clear and fall unto others people's paths..Well, with reunion dinner awaiting practically all households in Singapore, there was not much of a shock as i walked around Uni campus and didnt face the usual hustle n bustle of NUS peepz jostling along the corridors!! "It must be Chinese New Year Eve," i thought to myself..Well, i did haf a make up tutorial for tmrw, which i must add, was superbly intresting and energetic due to the large number of pupils attending today's session!! =D reallie learnt new perspective and divorced myself from common discourse of everyday thinking! Cheyyyy...After which, i had a lecture for culture!! it was as usual, filled wif information! hahaha nampak sah.. but then, 15mins into the lect, me, fairus n zuraimi started to glance at each other, fidgeting around.. we knew wad was to come..
(From right: Fairus, Hanan, Zuraimi) Well, maybe some of u are raring to noe wad we wrote about.. so here goes!! A little snippet into the realm of Balas Pantun Sembunyi2 Depan Lecturer..MS2210 - 6th Feb 2008Di malam hari ku tarikan pena,Mengarang lagu menunujuk bakat;Hari ini Hari Raya Cina,Sudahkah anda tunaikan zakat?(H)Di tepi sungai memancing ikan,Tesangkut kail dalam belukar;Zakat sudah saya lunaskan,Duit neraka habis dibakar...(Z)Bangla ke Al-Ameen beli mee kuah,Hirup kuah sambil kunyah buah kanna;Raya Cina jangan makan banyak bak kwa,Nanti berbabat macam Intan Aminah...(F)Ketika solat saf harus rapat,Kena lah khusyuk berdiri tegak;Dibakarnya duit, datok dorang dapat,Kalau dibakar kuih dorang dapat jugak?(H)Budak kecil bermain buih,Buih ditiup ke dalam baja;Kita di dunia membakar kuih,Datok di atas dapat bau ajer...(Z)Minum Tiger Beer, Ali terbatok-batok,Kepala mabuk jadi tak dapat balik;Ayam panggang dihidang untuk Atok,Padahal nonek si Atok dipuntal2 Malaikat Malik..(F)Masjid Negara telah pun dibina,Penduduk menziarah membawa 'present',Bagus nyer masok jail ketika di dunia,Time pat neraka pantat pon da season...(H)Masok waktu dengar azan,Anak syaitan teronta-ronta;Takde gunanya pantat yang season,Bukannya boleh kentot kan winter...(Z)Buah mangga manis berbajakan taik,Mangga dimakan dgn gulai ikan pari;Batu solat dijaga Ali dgn baik,Kalau hilang kena sujud di bopleh sendiri...(F)Berkerat rotan jgn berpatah arang,Sebab arang boleh dipakai utk membuat api;Janganlah asyik melaga-lagakan orang,Bak kata pepatah Melayu, seorang 'Batu Ali'...(H)Dari padi mendapat beras,Makan nasi dengan meriah;Hidup kena bekerja keras,Genggam bara Ali, biar sampai jadi Syi'ah...(Z)Lord Shiva ke doktor sebab batuk berkahak,Pening pulak kepala kene makan aspirin;Berwaspadalah semasa solat di masjid Taha,Kerna imam monyet nya serupa ala Thohirin...(F)Sebab cuace panas Remy potong rambut botak,Ketika potong rambut itu, dia sempat merakam;Dat time mak Ali tanye, "Nampak Ali ke tak?",Aku jawab, "Dier hiding cik, Ali dalam sekam"...(H)Orang seksi badan berbentuk,Baru nak ngorat orang dah ambil;Aku kini semakin ngantuk,Lebih rela tengok Ali Mcbeal...(Z)
(Caption: "Eh amaciam boleh beberape pages kiter nye pantun ni? Tak belajar ke??") And that was the first installment of our Pantun In Class for the culture lecture!! =D hope u guys enjoy reading it as much as we haf enjoyed creating em for our own pleasure!! heheheWell, i shall see you again in the next time i feel like writing ya!! Thanks to Tasha, our frenly exchange student from London, England for taking the pics for us on a lovely Chinese New Year Eve!! hehehe =DSee ya Chak Chak Leng!!~Outs~
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:59 am