Thursday, March 20, 2008
6th Edition of Pantun in a Lecture!!
Hey there everyone!! Welcome back to yet another edition of everyone's favourite installation of appreciation of the Malay language!! Where else would u haf a weekly update by the people,for the people? =D
Aniwaes, this week, we are saddened to say that Haekal will not be joining us for the brainstorming session due to commitments.. hehehe but tis ookay.. we would like to apologise if our standard of comedy has faltered for this edition.. Maklumlah, cuace pon sejuk nyaman and the voice of our lecturer was abit macam mendayu-dayu gituk!! Honestly!!
So please forgive us for this week ajer.. We assure u that next week's would be much much spirited and animated!! =D
But if u find this week's posting to be just as funny as the previous weeks', then thank you!! cos it seems kinda easy to satisfy to your comedic needs!! =D
Well, without further ado, let us delve into the world of the unknown and enjoy this week's edition of .....
Wooooo!!!! (Hard-o-Gay, 2007)
MS2210 Lect 9
19th MArch 2008
Tema: Persiapan Kahwin
Sarung bantal darilah kain,
Tertumpah susu nampak ketara;
Kenapa gatal hendak berkahwin,
Apakah nafsu sudah membara?
Pergi membeli sutera selembar,
Membuat langsir dipasang di amben;
Kalau nak kahwin elok nya sabar,
Tapi jangan sampai nak dekat pencen..
Hang Tuah belayar di waktu petang,
Belayar jauh ke negeri Pasai;
Ada nak kahwin kerna terlalu miang,
Macam Siti dan Datuk K yang bermisai..
Waktu pagi nampak terang,
Burung terbang ke negeri Pasai;
Siti dan Datuk menang perang,
Kerana gunakan nuclear misai..
Di hari minggu pergi ke pekan,
Cuaca panas terasa penat;
Misai sebenarnya sedap dimakan,
Taknah dengar Misai Donut?
Dari Jurong Abu naiki teksi,
Nak naik teksi untuk ke City;
Misai Datuk K sebenarnya seksi,
Lagi2 dibelai oleh cik Siti..
Orang Arab pakai celak,
Sungguh merdu membaca Quran;
Bila nanti bernikah kelak,
Berapa banyak nak letak hantaran?
Pergi memancing di Sungai Hulu,
Memasang kail di atas jeti;
Kenapa tanak macam dahulu,
Hantaran hanya $22.50!!
Lim Chu Kang cemetery sungguhlah ulu,
Di sana batu nisan boleh ditempah,
Kalau mau ikot cara dahulu,
Sebelom 20 tahun sudah anak bersepah..
Tanam pokok letak baja,
Baja ditabur melayang-layang;
Kahwin dengan puteri raja,
Hantaran aku sedulang dayang..
Jadi manusia janganlah careless,
Kalau tak hidup ni tiada erti;
Untuk hantaran ku beri yang priceless,
Ku hadiahkan sayang dan rindu di hati..
Pinjam tailong banyak songeh,
Bunga hutang nya sangat tinggi;
Kalau ku kahwin Puteri Chee No Neh,
Hantaran daging salai dan serunding babi..
Orang Melayu main gasing,
Indah sungguh gasing menari;
Kalau ku kahwini Puteri Singh,
Ku buka turban membuat sari..
Kawanku Gopal panas baran,
Menyumpah-nyumpah memintal punat;
Tak perlu aku keluarkan hantaran,
Kalau ku kahwin si Puteri Salat..
Encik Zubir main gambus,
Main asyik sampai penat;
Kalau puteri degil nak mampos,
Aku ajak salat sunat..
There u haf it ladies and gentlemen.. the next edition of pantun-in-a-lecture!!! We hope that u guys n gals haf enjoyed it as much as we haf writing them!! Thanks to Amalina for helping us come up wif the theme for the pantuns for this week!
Hope we got u laughing or perhaps smile at least!! =D
Till next time then!! Pls keep those themes suggestions coming k!!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:25 am
Saturday, March 15, 2008
5th edisi of Pantun in a Lecture!!!
Hello one and all!! Sorry for the delayed time frame in putting up this edition of everyone's favourite Pantun in a Lecture!! This week, we are glad to announce that our fellow Pantuneer, Haekal, will be joining us wif his quirky ideas!!!
Just to inform u guys and gals who continuously stay tuned to this blog for updates, we the pantuneers haf a code of ethics in which we haf to pay attention to the lecturer if we are not writing the pantun.. Anyone caght not paying attention will be severely dealt with thru a forgoing of his turn to conjure his pantun!! hahaha
Secondly, if there is a break in between the lecture, no pantuneer is allowed to conjure his pantun and contribute to the week's edition.. We are strictly a Pantun in a Lecture.. Thus, what's the use if we write it during the break right?? might as well cheat and write tha pantuns at home the day before rite? hahaha
ok ok takmo serious nah lerr.. hahahha just wanna say these pantuns are genuinely conjured within a time scope of 1 hour plus plus!! =D
So, without further ado, let us usher in a new edition of PANTUN IN A LECTURE!!!
Wooooo hoooooooooooo!!!
MS2210 Lect 8
12th March 2008
Duit yang banyak, tidak ku punya,
Harta pusaka pon tidak seberape;
Suatu soalan ingin ku tanya,
Kalau kau OKB kau beli aper?
Orang Hindu bermain api,
Sambil disaksi oleh si Gurga;
Andai kata aku OKB,
Akan ku beli tiket ke syurga..
Kumar simpan burung dalam cage,
Terkena hujan lalu burung tu sakit;
Akan ku bawa Lord Ganesh ke SGH,
Dapat tukarkan kepala yg sempurna sikit..
Ali makan keorpok Mamee,
Pastu dia makan strawberry;
Kan ku gadai topi Zuraimi,
Belikannya kereta Ferrari..
Para penjahat dijadikan tahanan,
Pagi dan petang memikul batu;
Akan ku gunakan duit simpanan,
Mengisi minyak untuk Ferrari itu..
Hujan jatuh lalu tempias,
Rupanya mendung hanya tempias;
Duit digunakan untuk menghias,
Kubur mendiang Ferrari Marantika..
Untuk buat keris bakarkan di api,
Sutera digunakan membuat tanjak;
Jikalau mewah kaya gila babi,
Gunakan air Evian untuk istinjak..
Pergi ke sungai memancing ikan,
Sambil memancing bermain guli;
Kalau karam feri ke Batam,
Kan ku kahwin empat kali..
Rumah kampung usang dan reput,
Dihiasi lalang dan sarang burung;
Bila ku kaya ku beli seafood,
Chilli crab seafood soup dan butter 'prong'.. (Suriani, 2008)
Orang Quraisy nama Abu Jahal,
Berkawan dgn seekor biawak;
Antara seafood yang paling mahal,
Itulah dia seafood Sarawak..
Muzium ada sebuah bantal,
Bekas kepunyaan Raffles yg masyhur;
Makan banyak seafood nanti muka gatal,
Nanti jadi macam muka Mahdi Syor..
Naik kapal pergi belayar,
Pergi belayar beribu batu;
Kalau benar boleh ku kaya,
Ku namakan anakku Saravanamuttu..
Pergi ke kedai membeli choli,
Beli yang lasak dan anti-kuman;
Jika ku mewah ku tolong Ali,
Merawat gagap dan teguhkan iman..
Muthu kerja menangkap ular,
Kerja sehari balik rumah letih;
Kalau ku kaya ku bantu keling pula,
Beli SK2 banyak-banyak biar putih..
Ninja turtle tak pernah kalah,
Mereka suka makan pizza;
Kalau ku kaya ku bantu Bangla,
Carikan maid di Lucky Plaza..
Matrip-matrip kemaruk motor,
Pergi ke Gombak ambil Class 2B;
Kalau ku kaya ku bantu Suharto,
Oops tak sempat, dia da mati.. (im sori)
Dats all for this week's edition of the pantun in a lecture!!! Hope u guys n gerls enjoy it and keep the comments coming for your suggestions lah k?? We are just human aniwaes, we will eventually run out of new wacky ideas for our pantuns!!! and when dat day comes, i wldnt be able to update!!
So hope u haf a great time reading and laughing as much as we pantuneers did writing and laughing as well!!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:28 am
Friday, March 07, 2008
4th Instalment of Pantun-in-a-Lecture!!
Assalamualaikom one and all, big or small, young or old, malay, chinese, indian or others!! Here it is, the moment which we haf been waiting for!! The fourth and final edition of Pantun-in-a-Lecture!! Well, gotcha there about the Final installation thingy rite??
Lets just say that we wun stop with this weekly appreciation of the Malay language till we end up in different lectures next sem!!
Or until one of us gets too old for this and decides to abandon his fellow pantuneers for perhaps Chinese idioms or Indian verses? that would be another sign of qiamat if i heard the syarahan correctly.. Hahahhaa maaf ye.. main main ajer. =)
Okie dokie!! without further ado, lets put our hands together and usher in the 4th installation of Pantun-in-a-Lecture!!! This week, our fren Haekal was no where to be found in the lecture!! =D We hope that he gets better for next week's session.. (malahan dier tak sakit..)
Woooo hooooooo!!!
MS2210 Lect. 7
5th March 2008
Pergi ke pasar membeli gula,
Nampak Ah Beng telinga bertindik;
Setelah sekolah sudah bermula,
Lecturer berseri berambut pendek..
Mak Ngah hari ni masak gulai sotong,
Haus tekak minum air kelapa;
Rambut panjang telah dipotong,
Fashion rambut nak step muda ke per..
Takkan ikan mati lemas,
Takkan semut tak hiraukan gula;
Rambut di kepala telah pun kemas,
Rambut di lain bagaimana pula..
Penyamun datang kena halau,
Menjadi sedih lalu termenung;
Rambut di ketiak umpama pulau,
Kalau ditebang menjadi gunung..
Burung helang mati disumpit,
Yang lain berterbangan kerna takut;
Bulu ketiak macam benang karpet,
Tarik satu yang lain akan ikut..
Mangayuh sampan hingga ke hulu,
Membeli padi dari petani;
Ada bagus nya menyimpan bulu,
Di hujung bulan jual karung guni..
Nama neraka itulah Jahannam,
Tempat idaman untuk melepak;
Bulu dikumpul kalau ditanam,
Nescaya jadi Sungai Bulu Park..
Suami mati isteri jadi balu,
Tak ada duit keluarga papa;
Achi di pasar sungguh berbulu,
Sampai buah dada laksana dua kelapa..
Bersiul-siulan si burung tekukur,
Irama siulan banyak ragam;
Kalau ketiak tak selalu dicukur,
Namakan ketiak itu K. Arumugam..
Apek kentot kuat bunyi,
Orang ramai terhidu- hidu;
Andai ketiak pandai menyanyi,
Itu dipanggil si Bulu Perindu..
Kakak ingin membuat baulu,
Terbakar hangus menjadi abu;
Bai tonchet satu badan berbulu,
Beruang datang memanggilnya ibu..
Di badan sendiri baju diukur,
Baju dipakai setelah berdandan;
Terdapat sekelompok yang tak bercukur,
Semuanya menetap di Bulu Pandan..
Pergi ke kedai membeli buku,
Kedai terletak di laut seberang;
Perubahan itu wajib berlaku,
Lain bulu lain sekarang..
Orang Cina percayakan karma,
Main mahjong makan peanut;
'Manusia Rambutan' namanya si Mama,
Bulu lebat menenggelami punat..
Naik keretapi pergi ke Kedah,
Mengambil gambar tempat yang lawa;
Melayu kini semakin berada,
Tapi seluarnya sempit di bawah..
Jauh kelana ke Tanah Jawa,
Mendaki gunung untuk bertapa;
Konon nak tunjuk figure yang lawa,
Tapi kalau gemuk nak tunjuk apa?
Petani tidak suka pada si ulat,
Sebab ulat suka makan buah papaya;
Makrip-makrip seluar sungguhlah ketat,
Kalau nak berak macam mana ya?
Anak sekarang bijak laksana,
Pandai belajar dan silap mata;
Makrip-makrip memang berguna,
Makanan McDonalds sapa mau hantar?
There u haf it ladies and gentlemen who appreciate the Malay language in the form of comedic literary forms presented in a homourous yet sensitive to our Singaporean pluralistic society! =D
The topic for this edition was, as u guessed it, was HAIR and MATRIPS... heheheh we sincerely apologise to anyone whu happens to read this and feels insecure or utraged cos it invokes their inner uncertainties, be it physical or emotional or truths which they cant escape from due to the structural situation that they are being forced to live in day-by-day..
Aniwaes, thanks again to all whu view this blog and keep ur Weds,
Thurs or Fridays free just so that u can be one of the privileged few to view the week's Pantun!! Wif fans like u guys n gals ever so supportive of our abilities and dedication, we are indebted to continue this strive for excellent heights for comedic value in our pantuns..
"Please take note that these pantuns haf been written within a controlled space and time limit of 1 hour and 30 minutes. We, the pantuneers, hereby pledge that no ideas were taken from external writings from renowned authors. Even if we do, there will be quotations and a bibliography preceeding the blog entry."
Thank you.
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:59 pm
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
A Fantabulous Weekend + Movie Outing today!!!
Yooo hooooooo! Well, hello there blog.. Just gotta update about my weekend and today's fantabulous day spent wif the Wittle Missus!! I had my first-ever Silat Performance at Sendeng Pukulan's 19th Anniversary Celebrations at Hougang St 61!! The place where religion hasnt set foot and Malays are still living in the feudal ages!! I saw a Bendahara walking around too!! =D
Aniwaes, I reallie enjoyed throwing myself around and mocking all the kicking n punching in the '4 versus 1' wif Zul, Yus, Fahmi and Chong aka the Choreographer!! hehehe These silateers are truly a talented bunch n will most probably lead NUS to the golds in their various categories this upcoming IVP!!! insya allah!!
Well, well, Id just like to make a recommendation to those of you whu haf significant others, or haf significant others in mind, or are targetting significant others in the future!!! A MUST WATCH movie for this season will most definitely be PS: I LOVE YOU!!!
If there was a movie which would make hearts melt like butter in a frying pan under a hot sun, then this would definitely be it!!! I watched this wif my Significant Other aka Wittle Missus, at the Cathay.. If not for my maruah as a jantan, senang kater, da meleleh lah airmata patik..
Hehehhee Fantabulous acting by Hillary Swank (Boys Dont Cry) and Gerard Butler (300) brilliantly played the roles of a happily married couple who got together quite young but got seprarated when the guy passed on due to a brain tumour.. But then, to help his wife cope wif her loss, the husband prepared in advance, several letters, trips, etc to help her get on with life...
Truly a superb movie for couples or non-couples alike!!! Well, till the next time then!! Look out for the 4th edition of Pantun-in-a-Lecture!!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:36 pm