Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Silat Camp Make It 2008!!
Dear Diary,
(From left: Zul, Chong, Zola, Raiyan, Yus, Remy, Fahmi, Nan)
I just came back from silat camp aka
Camp Make It.. It was indeed an eye-opening experience with stuff which i haf onli dreamed of doing.. The company was superb, the friendly was enriching and the trainings were
GREAT!!! Tgk lah sape yg trainers kan?

They did make us run the 2.4km route with timing seh and this was on the very first day of camp!! Str8 away after solat Jumaat.. Wah duuuhhhh...

(Jumping from left: Zola, Fahmi, Nan, Remy)

(The team on our 2.4km run..)

(From left: Syed, Rai, Chong, Zul, Fahmi, Remy, Nan, Aidil, Yus)
Aniwaes, badan ni maseh sakit sakit seh.. haishes.. tapi takpe biar sakit di badan, jangan sakit di hati kan?? kaannn?? *giggles* oops bebual melayu pulak.. This is the group pic after the whole 2.4km run!! Kinda shagged but still wif smiles plastered on our faces!! Kalau gini lah team kami, insya allah akan dapat meraih pingat-pingat yg dialu-alukan!!

(Back row: Abg Azmi, Taufik, Rai, Hanim, Yus, Na'im, Zul, Shikin, Nuraini, Izzati, Farah, Izy, Amirah, Nan, Fahmi, Aidil, Zola, Chong, Syed, Nadh, Liyanna, Remy)
I just wanna say that the camp couldn't have been more memorable than it had been if not for the people whu made it possible.. namely the organisers aka the next silat exco aka the ones whu came back from Perak aka Yus, Fara and Na'im.. They were working so hard dat Yus was sweating most of the time, Fara wasnt talking most parts of the camp and Na'im almost fell from Class A to an A-!! Thank you lah guys..

(From left: Fahmi, Rai, Nan, Izy, Yus, Remy)
Next would be the trainers whu made time to mingle and share their physical brutality and pushing us fellow pesilats to our limits.. Lagik2 during the freakish run to Bukit Timah and back.. Just one of the things which i wun think id be doing on my own.. Thus, to the selfless trainers, Abg Azmi, Taufik and Din, reallie reallie thank you very much..
Moving on to a more macro view of things... i believe that the cake would be just as tasty as the dough used to make it.. Meaning that the camp wldnt be fun without those whu attended and contributed to Joke-joke-jokes!!
From Syed Thesis to Zul Abg Body, to Syikin Adek Nini to Fahmi Abg Kiut.. Everyone played a part in making this camp a truly memorable one!! Thanks guys and ladies.. Reallie appreciate it..

(Too many people whom ive repeated.. Hahaha Additions are Rasheilla aka Ah Soh, Faatihah, etc)
Well, we still appreciate the trainers even though we were dragged out of bed on a beautiful Sunday morning and ran from Raffles Hall to Al Ameen along Bt Timah Rd and then proceeded on to run up Bukit Timah Hill!!!! And the best thing yet was that we walked/ran back after that... I believe i lost some kilogrammes along the Bt Timah route.. So please if anyone found any Kgs lying around.. its mine..

(Running up the hill.. These were still happy moments before 5 hours later when we haf covered ard 14km of Singapore)Last but not least, i have to give a special shout out to new found frens.. They proved to be the more memorable ones whu created laughter from the second night onwars.. Arumugam and his buddy, Joseph.. They stayed at the bottom floor, opposite the badminton court.. Apparently Arumugam reallie wanted us to see his favourite place on residence, the

(Aidil, Rai, Zola, Shikin, Kakak nya, Nini, Syed)
IVP is just 3 weeks' away.. and the aches are still lingering.. but nvm.. important to prepare as well as possible.. "not like every month is IVP" (Yusri, 2008) "Where is this from?" (Hanan, 2008) "Choli masak merah" (Yusri, 2008) "Pokok Choli" (Raiyan, 2008)

(Team NUS Silat 07/08: Mau Brani ajer!!! Gua Caya sama Luuuu!!!)
Till the next entry then..
See ya..
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:23 am
Thursday, May 22, 2008
7th Edition and Final for this Semester Pantun-in-a-Lecture!!
(From furthest away: Hanan, Zuraimi, Haekal, Fairus)
Hello there!! Welcome to another edition and most definitely the last and final edition for this semester year 1 for the 4 pantuneers as MS Culture has gone by and we are now enjoying holidays!! Woo hoo!!! All the best for all for the pending results which will be released on 30th May? =D Mau berani ajer bebeh!!
Aniwaes, this time around, since its the last time we are gonna be squeezing our creative juices for our dedicated fan base of pantun and Malay literature wif a twist, we decided to come together and produce a last P.I.A.L.!! So, sit back, relax, whip out your popcorn and incline your lazy boy chairs cos this would be one worth your reading time!!
Ladies and gentlemen, the last edition of Pantun-in-a-Lecture:MS2210
Lecture 11
Tema Pantun: Futsal
Tempat kotor banyak lalat,
Lalat peh banyak tanak kalah;
Alamak aku belom solat,
Lepas lecture aku ke futsalla..
Memukul paku dengan pahat,
Upgrade rumah pasang cornice;
Senang hati patik melihat,
Apek bergelek Mimpi Manis..
Kuda kepang itu salah,
Pasal dorang makan kaca;
Mat bawah blok bermain bola,
Kita sibuk pantun di lecture..
Muka Ah Neh sungguh sugul,
Sebab dateline project hari Jumaat;
Kalau main bola score dua goal,
Nescaya dapat subsidy lapan raka'at..
Suara dia macam katak,
Ada hati nak jadi rapper;
Anak Dr. M dah gunting botak,
Gatal nak jadi anak Mawi ke per?
Main bola hari Saturday,
Badanku penat mata pon layu;
Kalau botak tu anak mahathir,
Nescaye monyet tu anak L_ K_ Yew?
Pergi jamban membawa baldi,
Tahi itu pandai-pandai lah ditanam;
Anak Dr. M botak semulajadi,
Sebab Malaysia takde Yun Nam..
Meenachi ke Somalia bawa M&Ms,
Untuk disuap ke budak kebulur;
Anak Dr. M botak bukan kerna Dr. M,
Sebab bini Dr. M botak licin macam telur..
Dia kentot berbau bacin,
Lali dihukum disebat rotan;
Takde guna berbotak licin,
Sebab ketiak dah macam hutan..
Di hutan maghrib ramai syaitan,
Ada yang bogel ada berseluar;
Hidup mesti ibarat rambutan,
Botak di dalam, berbulu di luar..
Ali menjual kain batik,
Dan juga jual sate babat;
Jika bapa borek anak rintik,
Nescaya anak Datuk K bermisai lebat..
Pak Abu melancong ke England,
Tempah seluar pakai kain kapan;
Anak Dr. M kepala mcm kulit watermelon,
Padahal sebalik sualalam mcm berus jamban..
Dalam solat tak pakai batu ,
Sebab aku on the right track;
Kalau kepala da hijau gitu,
Adakah sebab bapak dier Shrek?
Budak kecik belajar membace,
Bila da besar jadi kerani;
Asyik berpantun dalam lecture,
Kan da ditegur Dr Suriani..
Jus to inform all u peepz, at this moment in time, Dr Suriani da tegur kami sebab ader ketawe dan bergelak ketawe sampai dier takleh concentrate on what she wanna say.. hahaha =D Thus, we cut short our session as we were fearing the wrath of the lecturer with the German hubby and the knack for indigeneous civilizations.. =D
Thus, there u have it ladies and gentlemen, our last episode of P.I.A.L... Now there is no space to place ur comments so if anything, kata2 pujangga atau cemuhan atau nak memberangsangkan ke.. please forward it to our tagboard or can just visit any of our blogs and place a tag there...
From the bottom of our Pantuneering hearts, we thank all whu haf eagerly awaited each week for updates and we hope to be continuing this noble effort of ensuring that the Malay literary art of Pantun is existent and being practised by the youths nowadays...
Till the next time then!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:22 pm
Monday, May 12, 2008
Schedule of Events calendar for What's to come for Hanan's realm of Perspectives!!
After a long long looonnnggg absence from blogging, i have now come to the perfect moment in life, the holiday phase aka after exams phase aka cari kerje and go horay horay phase!! And thus explains the new look of me blog!! It is kinda easy to do cos i can do it!! =D
Getting a C-plus in Computing does have its perks.. I learnt cut n paste! hahaha
Aniwaes, imma start posting up dozens n dozens of postings for the next few months till the third sem begins with new frens and better times at NUS. =D Putting school aside, there are various plans too for the coming months, dgn family as well as the buddies, and of course..... the truly significant important unforgettable chubbiquitous Wittle Bunny!!!!!
Lets see now.. Looks into the crystal globe of the future...
1) Outing wif wittleness.. either a spa outing or a nice day out at a never before gone to restaurant... after which we shall be going out on a little shopping!! =D
2) Silat camp also seems imminent.. The sweat, blood and tears will flow during these three days of the weekend i tell ya.. Friendly wif NTU is also on the cards of my schedule!! hahaha first bou of my career!! =D
3) This would be followed by the 4-times-a-week practices for silat since its just 3 weeks to IVP.. It's crunch time or never lah katerkan.. i dunno wad dat means..
4) After which would be the Redang trip wif the big family!!!! Weeeee heeeeeeeeeee!!!! Gonna be superb.. Hopefully the results that will be released on this 30th May wld be something which would put me in the mood for holidays!! Insya allah.. =D
5) Well, more close to this posting would be the last instalment of Pantun in a Lecture for this semester!! Just to inform u, the last posting has all 4 of our Pantuneers ill be in action!!! Entah plak nyer next semester maseh ader this weekly source of infotainment for all u budding netizens.. =D If anything, we shall keep posting updates of modules which we are gonna take next sem togede!!
Well, till next time round then!!
Toodles doooo!!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:16 pm