Sunday, June 29, 2008
Updates on Hanan's life..
1) Relief Teaching
Life is fantastic and has been so over the past 2 months.. But it suddenly dawned on me that i should be out there trying to earn money and save up for special events coming up *hints hints* as well as when school opens and i have to buy textbooks n coursepacks..
Thus, my position as a relief teacher taking History for all sec1 express and normal tech classes in a school in the west area almost reaching jalan bahar. (cant write the school cos i mite say sum stuff in upcoming entries and i would not like to be blacklisted by MOE or be featured in the New Paper)
Well, teaching life is especially challenging when i hafta wakey at 6am in the morn and get ready for school.. I dun even wake up dat early to go to MY school.. hahah but nvm change is sumtimes good in life! i now haf more hours to do stuff in my life! instead of the regular wake-up-at-12noon-and-wonder-wad-to-do-wif-half-the-day-gone kinda days..
Ive got a co-teacher!! She happens to be going off to NIE soon and thus, i will be thrust wif more periods than there are worms in an apple!! yes indeed! there are about 32 periods in a week.. more than some permanent teachers are handling mind you!! =D But nvm!! at the end of the day, as i sign off from work, i can put my mind at ease wif 65 more buckeroos in my bank account!! A good thing is that the teachers there are friendly lah.. Very nice people whu dun see me as a newbie but more of as a colleague!! hahaha
The kids..
Kids nowadays haf changed.. They are more interested in speaking out their ideas n thoughts without first registering them in their heads.. hahaha ok maybe exaggerating a little there.. The kids are rebellious even at sec one level and wun be afraid to tell the teachers!! i got the stories from the kopi sessions wif the ther teachers.. apparently i also had an experience but thankfully i was merely co-teaching at that moment..
For the first time, i was appalled and i followed up wif a sincerely angry moment in which vocal chords were strained.. *garang seh cikgu..*
But i think im gonna love teaching if its like this everyday!! I like the environment but just that i hope i can be prepared for eery lesson and wun ever look dumb in front of my students. I just think i can relate to them being less understanding of facts.. Cos i was like that too, being abit slow in catching up and just wishing that the teacher would come up to me and allow me to clarify.. cos i was too worried to sound stupid if i asked in front of the whole class..
Hope the kids like me n my style of teaching!! =D
Well, imma update u again laters dear blog!! Why not i end off every entry wif a pantun or an interesting fact eh? I shall start wif this one then!!
Fact #1: Did you know that there is no stall selling a simple meal for less than $2.50 in the western part of S'pore?
This was from a survey by CASE of over 377 stalls nationwide!! hahaha Well, that explains my empty wallet and dry pockets... No wonder the Mcdonalds that my neighbours eat are already cold due to taking the MRT from Pasir Ris where they bought the Mcchiken meal!! =D
But nvm! We still got the gas stations which pump the natural gas needed for the new CnG cars!! the stations are in Jurong island, Jalan Buroh and Mandai!! all within convenience for West residents!! =D And, we also get the privilege of living in a place literally brimming with people of various nationalities!! Some are from india, bangladesh, vietnam, thailand, indonesia, laos, nigeria, 2 are from cambodia and there is one from fiji but he comes out only after 9pm.
We cant have our cake and eat it now can we? Thus, we tend to lose out in terms of cheap food(which are probably not nice anyways) but we gain in other things like the ones mentioned! plus the aroma of chocolate and the occasional big fires from the industrial factories within a stone's throw away from our residences!
Life is great!
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:41 am
Silat IVP 2008 has just ended.
No more trainings, No more worrying about the next match, No more involving silat trainings with bruises and sores and scaring myself out of my wits..
Im happy once again!!
Sore throats due to cheering the brave pesilats from NUS who surely flew the school flag high during the ISC (Republic Poly, 2008) this year!! We reallie had nice cheers thanks to our dear Naufal and also the whole contingent was backing the team no materif they were down or up! Even nuraini was shouting!! Had me abit shocked actually!! *Mcm terkenchet sikit tibe2 dengar suare dier pekik..*
Well, im happy wit myself! got a medal in my first year. I think it has been kind of a long way since late last year when i started silat in NUS. Just think tat i haf gained a whole bucketful of experience thru this IVP and im sure as hell gunning for same finishing or even better myself next year!! =D
Should i go up a class? Should i dabble in seni?
Anyways, i think the WHOLE team should be proud of themselves.. Not only the team, also the seniors whu came down and reallie showed their heart n soul was behind the team regardless of generation!! I reallie felt proud to be wearing that blue n orange jacket cos being involved wif such people is reallie worth every minute!
Hopefully we can continue and expand this family with the upcoming batch of freshies coming in in about 1 months time!! hahaha

*Hanan outz*
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:04 am