Monday, September 29, 2008
A Funny Joke!!!!
Ah Beng was asked to come up with a sentence which includes the numbers 1 to 10..
This was what he came up with...
1 fine day I go 2 climb up a 3 bed-room apartment to peep. After being seen by the couple in the room, I got panic and had a great 4. The man rushed out and had a 5 with me. I run away to 6 for help. End up running into 7 eleven, I grab some 8 and throw at him and pull out a 9 to stab at him.
And 10 hor ...10 hor... 10 .... he die lor..
continuation of the story....
.....and 10 hor .....10 hor ....
I put the 9 back on the shelf and pay for 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day I 'kor' my boss to say I am 6. He say 5. Tomorrow also don need to come back 4 work. He also say go climb a 3 and jump. I don understand. I nice 2 him but I don know what he 1?
Hahahahhaa it just cracks me up.. =D
Posted by hanan bunny at 10:53 pm
Saturday, September 20, 2008
2nd Edition of P.I.A.L!!
Well, this is the second edition which u have been waiting for!! (or not)
still this week we are lacking haekal as a dedicated pantuneer, ever contributing to our weekly fun with words.. Nonetheless, i think its still of a good quality this week, with the pantuneers having a new guest appearance from our friend called Haziq!
Without further ado, let's jump into this weeks installation of Pantun in a Lecture!!!
MS3209 - Lect 2
Theme: Public Housing
(kononnya in line wif the lecture)
16th Sept 2008
Pergi ke kebun menanam ubi,
Tanam bersama seorang nyonya;
Rumah aku rumah HDB,
Rumah Suriani di mana agak nya?
Membuat jelly berbagai perisa,
Dijual dengan harga lumayan;
Aku tak pasti tapi ku rasa,
Rumah Suriani di dalam tempayan.
Orang kampong membaca talkin,
Lepas baca main Russian Roulette;
Sebelah rumahku ada family miskin,
Sepuluh orang sewa satu flat.
Masak bubur pakai arang,
Amalan harian anak boyan;
Sebenarnya ada sebelas orang,
Seorang tertinggal dalam tempayan.
Rambut lecturer sedikit perang,
Tapi dier Muslim tak makan babi;
Orang mama tinggal di Geylang,
Itu namanya contractor HDB.
Yang perah susu namanya sapi,
Penat memerah memakan udon;
Koridor rumahku kotor gile babi,
Sebab bangla sebok dengan maid indon.
Aku dah masok NUS Ilsa Tari,
Kawan bernama Khalid Supandi;
Ku fikir jiran memasak kari,
Rupanya dia belom mandi.
Nenek minum sup babat,
Sup tertumpah kene kain;
Tangga HDB buat memanjat,
Tapi juga tempat mat-minah main.
Bayar duit kepada Chetti,
Duit disimpan di dalam dompet;
Kenape bile Cine mati,
Ramai cowboy main trumpet?
Mata budak tu sungguh sepet,
Sebab dier stare dekat tungsten;
Bukan cowboy je main trumpet,
Ada Ago-go girls jugak bawak lantern.
Masok tandas untuk kenching,
Bile da puas flush dipichit;
Banyak bendera di lori dun-dun-cheng,
Dorang nak singgah F1 circuit?
Memasak gulai ditambah cuka,
Gulai disuapkan orang sakit;
Orang dun-dun-cheng main muzika,
Mayat dalam coffin tergelek sedikit.
Dats all folks!!
There wun be any P.I.A.L next week and the week after due to recess week and Raya!!!!
Happy Lebaran to all PIAL members and loyal peminats!!
Maaf zahir batin!
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:14 pm
Friday, September 12, 2008
First installation of PIAL in 2008!!
Hello there one and all!!
Yes the time has come for everyone to start staying tuned for the weekly editions of Pantun in a Lecture!! We are glad to inform our loyal fans that as of this week, we shall be dedicating our Tuesday evenings to conjuring spine-tingling, abs-firming, muscle-toning, wrinkle-forming pantuns during our lecture!!
And as a way of maintaining our level of humour culminated in a high standard of malay language carefully arranged beautifully in stanzas.. :D Well, we haf also retained the batch of budding Pantuneers from the previous installation!!
So without further ado, shall i present the first edition of P.I.A.L sem 1 yr 2!!!
MS3209 Lect 5AS6 #0212
9th Sept 2008
Binatang endangered itu rhinoceros;
Aku da tengok Bangkok Dangerous.
Sperma manusia benyak berbuih;
Semalam aku gi terawih.
Melayu keluarga banyak pincang;
Betol semalam aku tak gonchang.
Membeli ikan tapi da bachin;
Gonchang sampai toilet kau lichin.
Ketiak apek bau mcm ikan bilis;
Kenape binaweh2 depan aku tekun menulis?
Farid orang nya tak banyak kawan;
Itu nama nya budak year one.
Pergi mandi pakailah sabun;
Kalau tak nampak nama nya "Ra-bond".
Freshies tulis banyak, seniors relax saje;
Padahal MS exam cumer copy2 ajer.
Jalan bogel tak tahu malu;
Siape nak buat kawan dgn si Jilu?
Pergi terawih memakai selipar;
Kalau maki2 itu nama Jilu-pah.
Abu Sayyaf dari kepulauan Sulu;
Berduaan dgn pompan jgnlah segan-Jilu.

**This is the gerl whu sat in front of us.. Thus, we made fun of her name.. =)
Ni lecture aku tak suke;
Bilalah masa hendak buka?
Main bola kaki cramp;
Esok pergi iftar PBM?
Taik telinga banyak aku jadi torek;
Buka rumah dengan family lagi gerek.
Baby nak makan cakap 'mamam';
Pegi ah nanti miss Haireez jadi imam.
Kawanku name Farid Binaweh;
Esok aku 'emcee' time terawih.
Anwar didakwaatas tuduhan anal;
Time dorang teraweh aku goyang inul.
Fairus sedang menari nari;
Dorang terawih, Suraini buat pottery.
Jilu menari terhoyong hayang;
Korang agak German sembahyang?
Kawan lama ku Karunenethi;
German ku tak tau tapi mama solat Sharity.
Pak Na'im kurus sebab dia lapar;
Kalau mama solat Sharity, papa solat apa?
Aku ada kawan Sumting sumting Bin Awang;
Bila Sharity besar nanti, namakan dia Chawang.
Air mata meleleh bila menghiris bawang;
Chawang itu sebenarnya abang kpd Awang..
Thats all folks!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:47 pm