Friday, October 24, 2008
I Am Thankful for Everything and Everyone..
As the title goes.. i have realised the silver lining behind every single event that has happened over the past week.. It has been a trying few days and i sincerely feel that it has made me open my eyes to a much wider view on life.. I appreciate every moment i experience and look at each of it more as a blessing despite whatever difficulty it may bring me..
*cos God gives challenges to those servants whom he loves*
As many would haf heard by now, last wednesday wasnt such a great Hari Raya visiting for most of us.. But thankfully... really THANKFULLY, nobody got hurt seriously.. I know that nobody wants to reminisce that moment again... But id like to say that im very very thankful for everything that happened that day...
Why? cos nobody got hurt in such a situation.. Alhamdulillah.. It got us quite close as buddies and friends alike.. cos we got a story to tell the grandkids i suppose? hahaha just kidding..
Anyways, i wanna focus more on the people who helped me thru all this.. Without them being in my life, i wld still be sitting on my bed perhaps with the occasional teary eyes which i rarely produce.... (reallie) I have gotten over that day and am just awaiting and praying for the final verdict of the case to be mailed over to my house, along with the damage cost which i hope my parents would not have much to bear..
I would like to thank the following people and highlight them as much as they have highlighted me in their lives..
1) My parents had stuck with me thru this whole incident and didn't put on much pressure on me despite being the cause of the accident.. If i hadnt driven the van, nuttin of such nature would haf occurred.. My mum and dad just told me wad to say during the interview wif the Investigating Officer, spoke to me when i was reallie reallie down and would be the ones whu will foot the bulk of the bills when they arrive..
Thank you..
2) My uncle has never even said anything negative since he first found out abt this incident which involves his van and his insurance and his increased premium to be paid over the next few years.. He just went over the fact that nobody was hurt and that we just pray that everything is okay. He also said the following, "once u get that license and start driving, it's not about IF you get into an accident, it's WHEN u will get it."
Thank you..
3) My wittle Mai Bunny whom i never want to make worried.. she was thinking of my well-being all the way from the time i told her abt 4hrs after the accident, up till today.. She would be there, thinking of me the whole time.. I wanna thank her for being there when i needed sumone to back me up, make me smile, make me forget what i dun wanna keep revolving in my head..
Thank you, bie..
4) My friends whu were in the van and not in the van, whu were in the jalan raye plans and not in the jalan raye plans... I wanna say a huge grateful thanks to u guys whu sincerely gave assistance when i least expected.. I reallie appreciate it and i am at a loss for words for the kind generosity that everyone of you guys have... Dari kawan2 terdekat, hingga ke previous Silat exco headed by Zul..
Thank you..
5) Kawan2 Mai bies dari crescent.. I am at a loss for words at how much i appreciate your kind words of assurance and offers of assistance.. I cant bring myself to say anything that would express my awe at the lengths you guys would go to help another.. I reallie am greatly thankful to you guys... reallie.. i just think its amazing..
Thank you..
I cant list down the names i wanna say thank you to cos im afraid ill leave out some people... But u people noe whu u are and let me assure u, u are the reason why im still keeping that smile on my face from now onwards...
Cos i have plenty of reasons to feel blessed..
Posted by hanan bunny at 12:37 am
Thursday, October 16, 2008
15th October 2008 - 330pm
Location: Lentor Avenue

Posted by hanan bunny at 8:14 pm