Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Hopes and Dreams...
My hopes and dreams at the current moment..
1) My parents to arrive home safely after having fulfilled a fulfilling pilgrimage this coming December.. May they always be in the pink of health and overcome all challenges faced.. Hope they will not worry too much about my siblings and i over here in sunny Singapore.. Kiter da besar jugak.. =D
2) To make my parents proud upon reaching home on 28th of Dec to the news of my results.. Im the only one still in academics at the current moment and i would hate to break the cheerful mood of their arrival home.. I just hope to avoid Cs and get that long awaited A.. Insya Allah...
3) For Mai B. and family to enjoy themselves over at Turkey this coming December holidays!! Hope their journey there and back to Singapore would be filled with fun and may they always be kept safe and sound..
It really is a long way from home and the prospect of experiencing snow is enuff to make even ME feel excited.. But then again, im excited at almost anything.. =D
4) Hoping that all the friends i haf studied with and spent nights with will go thru the exams wif flying colours..
I haf seen the efforts of everyone of them and i really hope we all can get thru these years and wear that graduation gown same2 regardless 3yrs atau 4yrs...
=D Work togede n play togede lah ckp omputeh.. Tapi lebih berkesan lagik, "Make the Malays proud lah guys n gals!"
5) Thats all... tak mintak banyak..
Posted by hanan bunny at 2:56 am
O' Halloweeen With Mai n Nan!!
(Dun worry this is me, HANAN. Bukan Khamsya, if u know who that is)
Well, after a long long absence, here i am to provide an update on the life of me.. And my life basically revolves around my family, mai bunny and my friends! =D therefore, please expect nuttin but these topics being discussed in this edition of my blog post! hahaAnyways, i celebrated Haloween's this year by going out wif mai B.!! nuttin extravagant like going to clubs and drawing face paint on my face (duh!) and getting pimples the next day... Aniwaes, we did the next best thing to do on a Halloweeen!
Go to VIVOCITY!!! =DAnd that we sure did.. We arrived there around evening if im not wrong.. (i could have said "if im right" but it just takes up more space..) We actually wanted to eat cheesefries at the New Yrok Pizza outlet at Harbourfront but apparently IT HAS SHIFTED TO OL' SCHOOL LITTLE INDIA BESIDE TEKKA MARKET!!!Craps.... XOX$#@!!^&*XOX
Therefore, we put on our smiles and we walked around hand-in-hand just enjoying the crowd and the sights n sounds of busy people! And then, i proudly announced the idea of going to GIANT hypermart to take a look at the stuff in there!!

One thing about me is i love GIANT Hypermart cos they sell these stuff, especially mcm sports stuff or gadgets a cheap prices!! i loikes!!! =D Sengkek of me, i know, but its my money.. nyehehehe. Well, we walked down various aisles, and we came across the halloweeeeen section!!! hahahhaha and here are sum of the stuffs we came across!! and equipped with the camera, wad else would ya expect?? =D
Well, we proceeded to eat the second best thing after cheesefries at NYPizza, Cheese dip at LJS! hahaha yes another sengkek moment from me.. i know.. it was pretty good actually wif the new cheese meal that they offered wif the prawns and the fries and the skin on potato thingy.. =D nice....Well, we proceeded on to dance around the moonlight at theclearing at the top of VIVOCITY, where a few ang moh children were playing around in the tunnels and the water squirts.. Kinda makes one reminisce on his/her own childhood.. Wif not a care in the world, not bogged down by hw, assignments, CAP scores, marriage, etc.. =DWell, armed wif the trusty camera yet again, wad else would ya expect?? Wad else??

Well, i shall end off this post with a laughable quote.. which will leave u with saying "Damn, he/she said that??""Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff."
-Mariah Carey
Posted by hanan bunny at 1:16 am