Tuesday, March 10, 2009
We all know that prejudice happens in this world but i didnt noe humans are now so upfront and forward with these acts that we do not feel shame for undermining others who are ethnically or economically defrent than us..
This was taken in an estate wif upgrades in full swing.. the lifts were not for contruction workers who are upgrading those useful machines in the first place!! ni mesti gara2 org2 tak bertimbang rasa and think they pay so much tax and go to better schools than the foreigners who 'need' the compassion that we are giving to them by allowing them to work here..
I just think its gross racism lah.. maybe others may argue abt the cleanliness wif the muddy boots and stuff, or the smell from sweaty workers being in the lifts?? budden again.. takkan lah locals takde yg haf smelly pits of sweat and cleanliness issues kan??

Recently i have seen some disturbing adverts being portrayed in broad daylight for everyone, regardless of race language age or religion to see.. u see, if they are the normal minyak urot cap "Ibu dan Anak" advertisements takpe.. These were kinda R21 in nature and the stuff that it was selling was food!!
What is happening to the world today...
Well, here is the advert in an MRT as i was travelling to JE from Bt Gombak.. They were from Carls' Jr, advertising their new Angus Burger, thicker patties i presume??

I didnt manage to get pics of 1 more advert which said sumting along this lines " Be careful wher eu put it, it may tear something inside you"... I was like what?!? hahaha imagine a little boy or girl reading all these and asking their Ah Ma or Ah Kong or Nenek or Atok...
What ever happened to the sanctity of food stuff and the unwritten rule of it being segregated from matters of sexual content?!?! hahaha dunia dunia *said in a monotonously disappointed pakcik tone*
Ahhhh yes yes... This wld be a brief one.. Thru my years in the Spore Police Force, i haf come to noe of terms that are used to refer to different drugs..
And i was pleasantly shocked that they sell 'Ketamine' in big packets now and in the NTUC supermarkets and Giant and others as well!!! They are right smack there in aisles!!! Ketamine man!! hahahha
Well, they are actually cornflakes but the term Special K refers to Ketamine in the drug business if i remember correctly!! And it just makes me wonder why the Heck do they nee to name it as such....
Takleh ke namer kan cornflakes other stuff which may make kids intrested to eat them... like the ones below:
1. Mmmm. Mmmmm..
2. Sedap wif a capital S!
3. Crispy Thingz!
4. Baik Nye Bende!
This was taken under my block.. Either that my english aint that great... or they allowed the kids to paint the playground themselves, using creativity... hahaha
Seems very much like my MP had attended the opening of the playground and decided to haf an initiative to allow the "future of tomorrow to haf more say in the goings-on in the neighbourhood"!! hahaha
Well done ar guys.. I smile each time i pass by this place now.. Sense of belonging bebeh..

Well, dat should be all then for the time being!! Takes care one and all!!
And dun forget to support SAFFC and Home Utd who are flying the S'pore flag high in the AFC Cups!!!
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:48 pm
Wad a week it has been, wif the reading week being over in just a matter of moments!! There has been weddings of fellow NUS students i see on facebook, people going on holidays, incidents happening around the world and what nots..
Well, i shall make this entry a short one since i got essays n research to do.. most probably i wun do any time soon cos im a last minute kinda person.. but im not proud of it tho..
Well, i had just been offered a permanent post as Mendaki tutor at a sec sch in the west, teaching english to upper sec students! the previous week, i just took over both of these classes and they were kinda funny.. cumer i had a soft-spoken a.k.a Lembut nak mampos nyer student yg mcm tersipu sipu lidat when answering questions.. hahah
Aniwaes, its quite a good platform where i can get primary info on the effects of MENDAKI and its tutoring programmes!! i was teaching a class and couldnt find the teaching plan for the day. Thu,s i had them do a debate and the title was "MENDAKI tuition is essential to improve my grades"!!
Cool huh? and now i noe the inner most feelings of the students on the MENDAKI programme.. insya allah can use this to point out several flaws or positive points in the state's plans to focus ethnic problems to such ethnically segregated groups..
Well, i dun mind abt the waking up early as long as $320 bucks constantly enter my account each month!! but but but.. i received a letter that i am require to go for a 3 day course spanning 3 weeks!! and i haf to pay $225 if i wanna be a tutor for MENDAKI.. now wldnt dat be a reversal of my aims?? instead of saving up, i spend more!!
craps n double craps..
gotta find a way to smoke my way thru now.. just like i usually did in NS.. nyehehe...
Posted by hanan bunny at 11:03 pm