Monday, December 13, 2010
OMG!! 6 months away from my dear blog!!
Hello there fellow Netizens who chance upon this blog!Much has changed since the last time we met.. Proud to say that im now a paid employee of MOE!! and just got bonus if i may add! Exams and revisions are a thing of the past as i am now getting comfy with seeing increasing digits in bank account.. =DThis is quite a big thing for me memandangkan brape lamer account itu telah selama ini semakin merudum bagaikan ekonomi cambodia dan laos.Anyways, life in NIE has been great with each day making me feel more confident with being a full-fledged teacher!! perhaps i wll regret saying all these cos i noe many who try to escape the hectic life of a teacher despite the exorbitant pay.. nyeaheheh hopefully that day wont be any time soon for me lah ya?Well, currently in my 'chalet-week' (cos im now gg sch in slippers n berms already) awaiting for e-learning week and a fun-filled month of overseas activities!! 1) Kuala Lumpur trip wif NIE peeps!2) St John's island overnight wif family!!3) Malacca trip wif family!!!4) Vietnam expedition wif NIE peepz!!!!Fuhhh.. if this keeps up, i might get PR invitation to M'sia and Vietnam!! =DWell, hope my knee will keep working throughout these holidays cos i reallie need it aside from aesthetic purposes! (not that it is aesthetically appealing anyways.. =)Till the next post then!! Filled with pics i hope??Can't wait for Mai Bies to return to Singapore after a long holiday in PAris and MAdrid.. Mishes much lehz.. nobody sms me at night..Da lamer my right ear tak panas sebab bebual lamer di telefon at night.. *Absence truly makes the heart grow fonder.. and heat makes the chocolate become fondue..*~Nan-fucius~
Posted by hanan bunny at 4:17 pm
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